Process take long time to write to NFS filesystem.

Eugene Vilensky evilensky at
Mon Jan 4 14:54:53 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 12:49 AM, unix syzadmin <unixsyzadmin at> wrote:
> Eugene,
> Thanks for all your response.
> I still wonder how the nfs writes go fine when their is enough free memory.
> We did some dd tests writing and reading 16GB file to NFS filesystem in 64K
> chunks.
> >From vmstat we see a lot of memory was freed during read operation, but not
> wirte.  Could this be the reason?

All memory should be used for cache unless an application/kernel requests it.

What does the network configuration look like for this virtual machine
and its physical host?  How much other traffic are the vswitches
carrying?  Do you have a 1-to-1 mapping of physical to virtual nics,
and a dedicated network?  Are the frame sizes correctly matched
between the physical switches and physical ports and vswitches and
their ports?

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