Change X Windows select to copy

Yong Huang yong321 at
Thu Feb 24 23:04:22 UTC 2011

I'd like to change the behavior of X Windows from copying when you select (highlight), ideally to copying when you press Control-C and pasting when you press Control-V. The man page for xterm has these lines as example

*VT100*translations:    #override \n\
    ~Shift~Ctrl<Btn2Up>: insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
    Shift~Ctrl<Btn2Up>:  insert-selection(CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER1) \n\
    ~Shift<BtnUp>:       select-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
    Shift<BtnUp>:        select-end(CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER1)

which I added to ~/.Xdefaults. With that, I can't figure out how to copy. If I got that to work, I think I could change the left column to Ctrl-C... Any suggestion? Is that the right way to go?

Yong Huang


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