Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 patching

R P Herrold herrold at
Tue Mar 8 15:42:48 UTC 2011

On Tue, 8 Mar 2011, Matty Sarro wrote:

> Sadly with red hat you have the option of red hat, run 
> satellites, or bust. You could use the cent OS repository 
> bit you'd lose your support for the system.

ehh?  This not correct. It is simple enough to use 'mrepo' to 
'mirror' updates, then copy the same up some media to 'transit 
the air gap', and then set up a local mirror that CAN be 
reached by a machine NOT connected directly to an external 

Indeed, via setting up a mirror that CAN see the internet, and 
having a second interface that does NOT ROUTE, one avoid the 
'sneakernet' step --- firewall --- mirror (non-routing)
                          client that cannot 'see' the internet

We have used such a setup for 'builders' that need to see 
sources, but should not be able to see the internet

-- Russ herrold

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