questions about xset

m.roth at m.roth at
Tue Oct 25 15:18:57 UTC 2011

Doll, Margaret Ann wrote:
> CentOS release 5.6 (Final)
> We have Mathematica 7.0 installed on our computer cluster, but are unable
> to get the display to work.   The initial trademark comes up, but not the
> rest of the application.
>  mathematica &
> [1] 2527
> [mdoll at ted ~]$ xset:  bad font path element (#1149), possible causes are:
>     Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
>     Directory missing fonts.dir
>     Incorrect font server address or syntax
> I have tried
> xset +fp
> /share/apps/Mathematica7.0/SystemFiles/Fonts/Type1,/share/apps/Mathematica7.0/SystemFiles/Fonts/BDF
> xset +fp
> /share/apps/Mathematica7.0/SystemFiles/Fonts/Type1
> xset:  bad font path element (#1149), possible causes are:
>     Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
>     Directory missing fonts.dir
>     Incorrect font server address or syntax
      ^^^^^^^^^                        ^^^^^^
> What's going wrong?

That's what I think is wrong. From man xset
[fp=pathlist] [-fp=pathlist] [+fp=pathlist] [fp-pathlist] [fp+pathlist]
esp. since it keeps giving you its std. error message. Try


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