FAILED SMART self-check

mark m.roth at
Wed Jul 25 11:53:21 UTC 2012

On 07/25/12 07:18, Robert Canary wrote:
> I have RHEL machine here that becomes so unresponsive the mail server
> it is hosting practically stops. It is currently running a mirrored
> drive between sda and sdb. I have been getting the following errors
> in the log files, so I moved the mirrored drive to sda and disabled
> the (old) sda. Currently the system seems to be stable again,
> however, I am still getting these errors.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you did. You mention two drives, 
and then "the (old) sda". ?

Next, is this RAID 1?
> Any ideas where to go to fix it. Could it be bad sectors where
> transferred to the mirrored drive? Running smartmontools-5.3 I

No. Bad sectors are *physical* errors on the platter.

  When was the pleistocene?
  Around 1.8 million years ago, til about 10K years ago.
  What era are we in now?

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