FW: [redhat-list] sftp error question

mark m.roth at 5-cent.us
Sat May 4 17:50:04 UTC 2013

Hi, Constance,

On 05/03/13 15:30, Constance Morris wrote:
> LOL - Mark,
> That's what some of my co-workers say too about Ex. Web. Yes, I have
> checked the permissions and ownership and all is in place. I've even
> compared his with others that should be the same to make sure I was not
> missing something. I had hoped I had missed something yesterday and after
> a good nights rest would see it today, but nope.
> Please be patient with me, but I will say yes to them being mounted (NFS)

Can you log in as them, cd to the directory, and touch a throwaway file 
(i.e., touch this; rm this), to see if it's writable? If not, try restarted 
aufofs and nfslock.

Hmmm... it's web based - have you looked at /var/log/httpd to see if it's 
telling you anything?

> - I am not at the office at the moment and will double check when I get
> back.

On a weekend? I hope you're not there <g>. Have a good one.

"If you are not a socialist at 18, you have no heart. If you are still a
socialist at 40, you have no head." - Churchill
"If you are 40, still not rich, and not still a socialist, you have no
head." - whitroth

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