Where do I get the rpm or source to build support for xfs?

Jonathan Billings jsbillin at umich.edu
Sat Oct 25 14:50:31 UTC 2014

On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 10:29:33AM -0400, mark wrote:
> A simple followup: install the CentOS repo, then edit it to include
> *only* xfsprogs. That way, when you do a yum update, it will get
> only that from the CentOS mirror.

Also, don't forget to add and import the CentOS RPM GPG key.

I actually have the centos-extras repo on my RHEL7 workstation so I
can use docker, which appears to only be in the RHEL7 Server channel.

Jonathan Billings <jsbillin at umich.edu>
College of Engineering - CAEN - Unix and Linux Support

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