[redhat-lspp] Changes to libtrans and chcat.

Daniel J Walsh dwalsh at redhat.com
Thu Dec 1 17:58:10 UTC 2005

James Morris and I have been talking about changes to libsetrans and the 
chcat utility.

Basically we want to be able to translate a file with file context of


setrans translation file has


Currently this will not translate.  The user would need to add

s0:c1,c5 PatientRecord,UK

To make it work.

If I change the library to
1. Look for s0:c1,c5
        If round return the translation
2. Else look for s0:c1 and s0:c5
       If both found return the translations as a comma separated list.
       If only one found return the translation with the untranslated, s0:c5
       OR return both untranslated if nothing returns.

Also change chcat to add a + and - qualifier.

chcat +PatientRecord /data/patients/dwalsh
Will add c0 to the existing categories
chcat -PatientRecord ...
would remove this specific category from the list.

Does this work for the MLS world?



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