[redhat-lspp] LSPP/RBACPP requirements v.005

George Wilson ltcgcw at us.ibm.com
Tue Nov 1 19:52:04 UTC 2005

Please find this week's update to the tasks list attached.  Tasks with
0% complete should be considered unowned.  If you have updates, please
send me a note and I'll make them.

George Wilson
IBM Linux Technology Center
<ltcgcw at us.ibm.com>
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01 Audit record augmentation 
	Description:	Augment audit records with additional LSPP & RBACPP 
			attributes: subj and obj labels; roles, host identity, 
			event type, and access types where available. 
	Implementation:	IBM posted a patch on linux-audit. 
	Status:		Patch posted to audit list by IBM; issues being addressed. 
	Upstream:	Red Hat, lkml 
	Owner:		Kirkland, Dustin 
	Org:		IBM 

02 Audit of additional events 
	Description:	Add additional instrumentation to kernel and userspace, 
			particularly for user data import/export; catchall for 
			issues not covered elsewhere. May include new audit record 
			types for: rlimit violations, sub, obj, anomolies, 
	Implementation:	Red Hat and IBM have expressed interest on mailing lists. 
	Status:		Ongoing 
	Upstream:	Red Hat, lkml 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

03 Audit of network events 
	Description:	Add hooks to IPsec implicit packet labeling. Needs to 
			include audit by network address. 
	Implementation:	Should mostly be covered by existing AVC audit records. IBM 
			likely to be interested in this in conjunction with labeled 
			network packets. May need to document that network 
			configuration changes require reboot (per @sec). DHCP 
			should be disallowed. 
	Status:		Trent Jaeger has base IPsec packet labeling posted on 
			netdev. 2 patches pending. Need getsockopt() of packet 
	Upstream:	netdev, lkml 
	Owner:		Zhang, Catherine 
	Org:		IBM 

04 Audit of print events 
	Description:	Instrument CUPS. 
	Implementation:	HP posted a patch and discussed extensively on this list. 
	Status:		Patch needs to go upstream to CUPS list. 
	Upstream:	CUPS mailing list 
	Owner:		Anderson, Matt 
	Org:		HP 

05 Audit of other import/export events 
	Description:	Device allocation; force labeling of devices. 
	Implementation:	Open 
	Status:		Open 
	Upstream:	Individual dev mailing lists 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

06 Audit of user and role modifications 
	Description:	Instrument tools that modify users and roles in flat file 
			implementation. Includes passwd. Utilities upon which 
			this depends covered in separate task. 
	Implementation:	Red Hat will be writing the user and role tools.  Presumably 
			audit will be covered either via kernel or instrumentation. 
	Status:		Dan Walsh posted flat file documentation. 
	Upstream:	mlsutils package 
	Owner:		Walsh, Dan 
	Org:		Red Hat 

07 Audit instrumentation of trusted programs, including 
			SELinux tools 
	Description:	Add hooks to trusted programs. At the moment, looks like only 
			newrole needs to be instrumented--others are audited by 
			kernel. CUPS client may also be a candidate. 
	Implementation:	Instrument newrole for audit, make it suid, and drop 
			capabilities other than audit append. 
	Status:		Determine if newrole is only utility that requires 
	Upstream:	SELinux list, kernel community 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

08 Audit-fs completion 
	Description:	Completion of auditfs patch. 
	Implementation:	Implementation in progress by HP and IBM. 
	Status:		HP completing work. 
	Upstream:	fsdevel, lkml 
	Owner:		Griffis, Amy 
	Org:		HP 

09 Audit filtering in kernel or daemon with additional LSPP & 
			RBACPP attributes--Selective Audit 
	Description:	Add kernel or daemon audit filtering to CAPP audit. Solution 
			must filter/suppress records based on all available LSPP & 
			RBACPP attributes: obj and subj labels, object identity, 
			role, hostname, event type, and access type. 
	Implementation:	Red Hat has expressed interest on linux-audit. 
	Status:		IBM posted operators patch. Red Hat, HP, and IBM discussing 
	Upstream:	lkml 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

10 Audit browse, sort, search (augrep) with additional LSPP & 
			RBACPP attributes--Audit Selection 
	Description:	Create command line browse utility. Must include all 
			avaliable LSPP & RBACPP attributes: obj and subj labels, 
			object identity, role, hostname, event type, and access 
			type. Note there is no X-window System in certified 
	Implementation:	Red Hat has expressed interest on mailing lists. Needs API 
			and binary record format support. 
	Status:		ASCII ausearch w/sub and obj labels implemented; API 
			proposed on list; binary record format being discussed. 
	Upstream:	Red Hat 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

11 DAC policy and function 
	Description:	Existing DAC mechanisms should cover; ensure all objects 
			are covered and ensure owner, perm bits, ACLs are 
	Implementation:	Should already be covered. 
	Status:		Needs to be analyzed to ensure complete coverage. 
	Upstream:	What, if anything, is specific to the certification RPM? 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

12 MLS policy and function 
	Description:	SELinux MLS function and base MLS policy provide 
			foundation; require a real MLS policy that correctly deals 
			with trusted processes, overrides, restrictions on 
			import/export, VFS polyinstantiation; plus extensive 
	Implementation:	NSA, TCS, Tresys, Red Hat, and others have posted patches. 
	Status:		Red Hat has incorporated "real" MLS policy into Rawhide. 
			Attempting move to reference policy. 
	Upstream:	SELinux mailing list, Red Hat MLS policy RPM 
	Owner:		Walsh, Dan 
	Org:		Red Hat 

13 IPsec labeled packets: Base patch 
	Description:	Indirect packet labeling based on mapping IPsec SAs to 
			SELinux security contexts; AH-only with physical network 
			security reduces/eliminates FIPS crypto cert 
	Implementation:	Trent Jaeger / IBM posted patch to netdev. They plan to 
			continue working this item. 
	Status:		Base patch on netdev; ipsec-tools and getsockopt() for 
			label need to be posted to maintainer lists once base patch is 
			accepted into kernel; also requires testing. 
	Upstream:	netdev, lkml 
	Owner:		Jaeger, Trent 
	Org:		PSU 

14 Labeled print 
	Description:	TCS patch posted to redhat-lspp + mods by HP and others; also 
			need print tests. 
	Implementation:	TCS posted patch. It has generated extensive comments. HP 
			posted an audit instrumentation patch for it. 
	Status:		Patch looks good; requires testing.  Waiting on CUPS release 
			to post to CUPS list. 
	Upstream:	CUPS mailing list 
	Owner:		Anderson, Matt 
	Org:		HP 

15 VFS polyinstantiation 
	Description:	Namespaces unshare syscall patch and PAM exploitation of 
	Implementation:	NSA posted polyinstantiation patch. Red Hat been working on 
			namespaces extensively. IBM has posted unshare syscall 
			patch and PAM integration patches. 
	Status:		Janak incorporated Chris Wright's comments. Worked 
			w/Chris to prove clone() won't suffice. Have PAM module 
			exploiter. Patches need to be accepted on lkml. 
	Upstream:	lkml, pam-list 
	Owner:		Desai, Janak 
	Org:		IBM 

16 Device allocation 
	Description:	Device allocation patch posted by TCS + enhancements, 
			and/or forced relabeling upon device insertion; requires 
			testing. Functions: authorization, synchronization, 
			device node context assignment, eject/close. 
	Implementation:	TCS posted framework patch. HP posted policy for it. 
	Status:		License and update posted by TCS. HP enhancements also 
	Upstream:	TCS will create device allocator SF project. 
	Owner:		Hanson, Chad 
	Org:		TCS 

17 Test and possibly restrict file archivers 
	Description:	star already maintains xattrs; zip/unzip patched to 
			support xattrs. Need to restrict to the admin. Enhancements 
			to other archivers exceed LSPP reqs. 
	Implementation:	IBM has added xattr support to zip/unzip. Policy 
			implications need to be examined. 
	Status:		star needs comprehensive testing. IBM writing star and 
			zip/unzip tests. Need to investigate restrictions via 
	Upstream:	archiver maintainers for modifications; selinux list for 
	Owner:		Velarde, Debora 
	Org:		IBM 

18 Device labeling via udev 
	Description:	udev patch would force relabeling upon hotplug/mount. No 
			hotplug events shall label devices. It can only make sure 
			they are unlabeled. (L/FDP_ETC, FDP_ITC) 
	Implementation:	Nolan @ Red Hat seemed to think this was a big deal. 
			Fundamentally breaks way folks designing udev intended 
			udev to be used. Need udev maintainer buy-in. 
	Status:		Requires more analysis. 
	Upstream:	udev maintainer? Unclear this can be upstreamed. 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

19 Label translation 
	Description:	Translation of sensitivity labels into human-readable 
	Implementation:	libsetrans incorporated into SELinux. 
	Status:		libsetrans is upstream; requires test. 
	Upstream:	SELinux list 
	Owner:		Walsh, Dan 
	Org:		Red Hat 

20 Mail 
	Description:	User mail required for admin mail only, probably only cron. 
			Possible solutions: multi-level MTA, admin-only MTA, 
			direct procmail invocation; direct delivery by cron into 
			poly'd directories. Complete solution may be interesting 
			but is not a requirement. 
	Implementation:	IBM is looking at this approach. Russell Coker recently 
			became interested in adding labels to messages. 
	Status:		Requires analysis to determine which approach is 
	Upstream:	Certification RPM only? 
	Owner:		Coker, Russell 
	Org:		Red Hat 

21 Multilevel xinetd 
	Description:	Patch xinetd to obtain label from inbound connections and 
			spawn child daemons with correct context. WIll have to be 
			documented as trusted program. 
	Implementation:	TCS has posted a patch. Requires IPsec labeled network 
			packets conext getsockopt(). 
	Status:		Simple patch exists; some debate over range bracketing. 
	Upstream:	Steve Grubb, xinetd list 
	Owner:		Hanson, Chad 
	Org:		TCS 

22 Multilevel sshd 
	Description:	Patch sshd to spawn child processes with correct context. 
	Implementation:	This may be possible by simply patching PAM module. 
	Status:		Requires more analysis; would we favor this approach in lieu 
			of multilevel xinetd? 
	Upstream:	openssh-unix-dev 
	Owner:		Zhang, Catherine 
	Org:		IBM 

23 Multilevel cron 
	Description:	TCS posted polyinstantiation-aware Vixie cron; TCS 
			approach useful, but useful only for MLS labels and 
			dependent on TCS polyinstantiation mechanism. Comments on 
			redhat-lspp suggest extending cron/crontab protocol to 
			support security context. 
	Implementation:	TCS posted the patch; IBM is working to integrate with 
			namespaces-based polyinstantiation. 
	Status:		High-level approach on extending cron/crontab protocol 
			being worked on by IBM. 
	Upstream:	Vixie cron; unclear this will be upstreamable. 
	Owner:		Desai, Janak 
	Org:		IBM 

24 Multilevel at 
	Description:	Base at work on multilevel cron. 
	Implementation:	Open; IBM and TCS are likely interested in this as they have 
			been working on cron. 
	Status:		Requires investigation. 
	Upstream:	at maintainer 
	Owner:		Desai, Janak 
	Org:		IBM 

25 Multilevel tmpwatch 
	Description:	Patch tmpwatch to handle polyinstantiation. 
	Implementation:	Open 
	Status:		Requires investigation. 
	Upstream:	tmpwatch maintainer 
	Owner:		Desai, Janak 
	Org:		IBM 

26 Multilevel slocate 
	Description:	Slocate needs to be removed from evaluated configuration. 
	Implementation:	Ensure removal from evaluated configuration package list. 
	Status:		Concensus at last discussion is to remove from package list. 
	Upstream:	Red Hat Certification RPM 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

27 Revocation of user and object attributes 
	Description:	Killall with user and context matching and wrapper script to 
			lock account and kill all user processes.  Similar approach 
			can be taken with fuser. 
	Implementation:	IBM has psmisc patch to be posted. Needs to use loginuid and 
			document regex caveats as well. 
	Status:		IBM has patch to killall and revocation script; to be posted 
			on selinux list and redhat-lspp. 
	Upstream:	psmisc sf project 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

28 Useful role definitions 
	Description:	Define a useful set of roles in the MLS policy. The admin roles 
			should be separated, and a super admin role composed from 
			them. Overrides also need to be tied to roles. Consider 
			including a crypto admin role. 
	Implementation:	Red Hat added role separation to MLS policy with input from 
	Status:		Role separation already done in the existing MLS policy. 
			Expound on this work and document. 
	Upstream:	selinux list 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

29 Management of users and roles in flat file 
	Description:	Create command line tools to manage and audit users and roles 
			in flat file separated from base MLS policy. Actions need to 
			be audited, which is covered in a separate task. 
	Implementation:	Red Hat has been working on flat file user and roles 
	Status:		Red Hat posted user and roles in flat files documentation. 
			Tools need to be created and instrumented with audit hooks. 
	Upstream:	Red Hat mlsutils package 
	Owner:		Walsh, Dan 
	Org:		Red Hat 

30 Self tests 
	Description:	Define a subset of LTP tests that can be run periodically by an 
			administrator or cron job that demonstrates correct 
			operation DAC and MAC policies, and verifies integrity of 
			configuration files, including SELinux policy. Tests 
			shall produce audit records. 
	Implementation:	Open; IBM has some ideas for this. Likely permission and 
			label checks via script, binary integrity validation via 
			rpm -V, and LTP subset. 
	Status:		NSA SELinux tests are incorporated into LTP. Select a subset 
			of these, verify critical DAC permissions, and check 
			integrity of critical configuration files. Also, NSA 
			adding integrity verification and version tagging of 
			SELinux policy. 
	Upstream:	Certification RPM only? 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

31 I&A 
	Description:	All these requirements are similar to CAPP. Augment tests to 
			account for sensitivity labels. 
	Implementation:	IBM plans to test this. 
	Status:		This is test work to verify that I&A functionality. IBM plans 
			to perform this work. 
	Upstream:	LTP? 
	Owner:		Desai, Janak 
	Org:		IBM 

32 Test 
	Description:	Create testcases and incorporate into LTP. 
	Implementation:	Respective task owners should create unit and functional 
	Status:		Ongoing 
	Upstream:	LTP 
	Owner:		Wilson, Kris 
	Org:		IBM 

33 Documentation 
	Description:	Create documentation for each task. 
	Implementation:	Respective task owners should create low-level design 
			documentation, manpages, and structured comments. 
	Status:		Ongoing 
	Upstream:	Respective upstream maintainers 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

34 Ensure all named objects are covered by DAC & MAC 
	Description:	Objects shall include: files, named pipes (fifo), sockets, 
			devices, shared memory, message queue, semaphores. New 
			object: kernel keys - would need man pages, structured 
			comments, & test cases. 
	Implementation:	IBM should ensure complete coverage. 
	Status:		No development work; ensure coverage in ST. 
	Upstream:	Red Hat Certification RPM 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

35 Provide minimal number of MAC levels and categories 
	Description:	There shall at least 16 levels of hierachial labels and 64 
			compartments (L/FDP_IFF.2.7). However, we should have 256 
			compartments per customer requirement. 
	Implementation:	IBM should ensure complete coverage. 
	Status:		No development work; ensure coverage in ST; RH has customer 
			reqs beyond LSPP. 
	Upstream:	SELinux mailing list 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

36 Audit record unique session/terminal ID 
	Description:	Events shall contain unique session identifier and/or 
	Implementation:	Could be and ID a la loginuid; don't want to add a new one; only 
			required when available; incomplete coverage; add to audit 
			records where available. 
	Status:		Expand coverage of terminal ID. 
	Upstream:	lkml, linux-audit 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

37 Analyze removing DBUS 
	Description:	DBUS must be either documented and tested, restricted, or 
			removed. Ideally it will be removed from the ST. 
	Implementation:	Remove dbus and see what breaks; discuss with Russell. 
	Status:		Open and high priority 
	Upstream:	Red Hat Certification RPM 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

39 Restrict kernel keyring access 
	Description:	There needs to be a way to restrict the use of the kernel 
			keyring to the authorized administrator. 
	Implementation:	The restrictions should be defined in the MAC policy, and 
			DAC, too, if possible. 
	Status:		Open 
	Upstream:	Red Hat Certification RPM 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

40 Standard LSPP configuration 
	Description:	Create standard LSPP configuration and rules to be shared 
			among contributors. This may be incorporated into 
			Configuration Guide. 
	Implementation:	Write scripts and documentation for LSPP & RBACPP 
	Status:		Russell Coker looking at setting up wiki for collbaoration 
			on documentation. 
	Upstream:	Red Hat Certification RPM, README for selinux-list, 
			Configuration Guide 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

41 Audit of SELinux booleans 
	Description:	Changing policy booleans is auditable event. 
	Implementation:	SELinux needs to generate audit records when policy 
			booleans are changed. Unclear to what extent this is already 
	Status:		Requires analysis 
	Upstream:	SELinux list 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

42 Audit of service discontinuity 
	Description:	Service discontinuity is auditable event. 
	Implementation:	Ensure that all service discontinuities are 
			audited--bootup, shutdown, SELinux enable, SELinux 
	Status:		Should already be covered; need to ensure that is the case. 
	Upstream:	SELinux list, linux-audit 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

43 Audit record subject labels for userspace records 
	Description:	When user space message is relayed, add a subject message to 
			same event. 
	Implementation:	The kernel needs to add the subject label for audit records 
			generated in userspace because the caller cannot be 
	Status:		Steve Grubb already planning to add. 
	Upstream:	SELinux list, linux-audit 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

44 Fail to secure state 
	Description:	When role data base is offline, corrupt, or unaccessable, 
			the system shall preserve a secure state. 
	Implementation:	SELinux denies everything by default. So, if the SS, DB, or 
			policy is unavailable, the system should come to a stop. 
	Status:		Should already be covered by SELinux; ensure that it is. 
	Upstream:	SELinux list 
	Owner:		Walsh, Dan 
	Org:		Red Hat 

45 Maintenance mode for secure recovery 
	Description:	RBAC stipulates that after a failure or service 
			discontinuity, the machine shall enter a maintenance mode 
			whereby the machine can be restored to a secure state. Maybe 
			config param for rc.sysinit. 
	Implementation:	Perhaps need to add a new init state for secure recovery. 
	Status:		Requires analysis; may not require a new init state. 
	Upstream:	Red Hat certification RPM 
	Owner:		Walsh, Dan 
	Org:		Red Hat 

47 Utility to list SELinux roles? 
	Description:	User shall have the ability to see list of authorized Roles. 
			This does not appear to be a strict requirement looking at 
	Implementation:	This is not required by would be nice to have. Is there already 
			a way to do this? If not, need a utility for a user to list roles 
			that he/she can take on. 
	Status:		Nice to have. Determine if this should be removed from 
			requirements list. 
	Upstream:	SELinux list, Red Hat certification RPM 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

48 User role modification? 
	Description:	User shall have the ability to change to any authorized 
			Roles. Unclear that this is required by reading RBACPP 
			FMT_SMR.2; TSF needs to associate, admins need to control. 
	Implementation:	Mechanism already exists for TSF to associate users and 
			roles, and for admin roles to control them. Users must be 
	Status:		Determine if this should be removed. For Klaus: When a user 
			changes roles, is that an auditable event? We should amend 
			this item to include auditability of role change based on 
			Klaus' feelings. Otherwise strike from list as it's covered 
			by newrole. 
	Upstream:	Red Hat certification RPM 
	Owner:		Wilson, George 
	Org:		IBM 

49 MLS enablement of userspace 
	Description:	All utilities that display contexts shall be updated to 
			display levels and catagories. They shall display the 
			translated name. 
	Implementation:	Ensure all userspace utilities display levels and 
			catagoreies correcly. This should already be done. Unclear 
			that they should always display xlated names. 
	Status:		Determine where xlations should be displayed. Should 
			alredy be done. Should be determined by ongoing test and use. 
	Upstream:	SELinux list, Red Hat certification RPM 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

50 Utility to compute closure of sub access to objs? 
	Description:	Given a file, the Admin shall be able to determine who can 
			access it. Request from military customers. 
	Implementation:	Requires analysis of DAC permissions and SELinux policy. 
	Status:		Nice to have. Determine if should be removed from 
			requirements list. 
	Upstream:	Red Hat certification RPM 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 

51 IPsec labeled packets: Userspace ipsec-tools patch 
	Description:	This is the userspace ipsec-tools patch that accompanies 
			the kernel base patch. 
	Implementation:	Joy Latten and Trent Jaeger modified ipsec-tools to handle 
			syntax modifications required by kernel base patch. 
	Status:		Joy has forward ported the patch. It will be posted to the 
			ipsec-tools list when the base patch is upstream. 
	Upstream:	ipsec-tools 
	Owner:		Latten, Joy 
	Org:		IBM 

53 IPsec labeled packets: Analyzers 
	Description:	Tcpdump and ethereal need to understand IPsec labels. This 
			is not an LSPP/RBACPP requirement. 
	Implementation:	Augment tcpdump and ethereal. This would be AH-only, I 
			presume, unless the sniffers can decrypt ESP. 
	Status:		Open; Likely a nice to have item. 
	Upstream:	Tcpdump and ethereal maintainers 
	Owner:		Grubb, Steve 
	Org:		Red Hat 
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