[redhat-lspp] [RFC][PATCH] killall context regex and userid matching

Daniel J Walsh dwalsh at redhat.com
Thu Sep 1 21:10:04 UTC 2005

ltcgcw at us.ibm.com wrote:

>Please find a patch to psmisc attached.  It adds these features to killall:
>  - regular expression SELinux context matching
>  - userid matching
>  - process names now optional when matching by either context or userid
>  - most fprintf() strings now gettext-ized
>  - help text no longer split up by #ifdef; missing newline added
>  - manpage updates
>The patch applies to the psmisc CVS tree, current as of today.  I will
>submit it to the psmisc maintainer once I incorporate comments received on
>this list.  It might be useful to add something similar to skill and snice.
Updated patch to apply to psmisc-21.5


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