[redhat-lspp] [PATCH] lsm-secpeer for IPSec labels

Paul Moore paul.moore at hp.com
Wed Sep 14 15:26:17 UTC 2005

George Wilson wrote:
> The patch enables the SELinux LSM to set the peer security context for
> a socket based on the security context of the IPSec security
> association.  The application may retrieve this context using
> getsockopt.  When called, the kernel determines if the socket is a
> connected (TCP_ESTABLISHED) TCP socket and, if so, uses the dst_entry
> cache on the socket to retrieve the security associations.  If a
> security association has a security context, the context string is
> returned, as for UNIX domain sockets.

Is there any reason why we are limiting ourselves to connected TCP 
sockets?  I understand that due to the nature of the sockets and the 
fact that we are only implicitly labeling them via the SA it would be 
much more difficult, but what about UDP based applications?

. paul moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. paul.moore at hp.com                                      hewlett packard
. (603) 884-5056                                          linux security

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