[redhat-lspp] Open LSPP Telecon

Andrius T. Benokraitis andriusb at redhat.com
Sat Sep 17 00:14:19 UTC 2005

George Wilson wrote:
> IBM and Red Hat have been holding regular telecons to discuss Linux LSPP
> certification.  We have decided that it is in our mutual best interest
> to open the calls to all who have something to bring to the effort.  If you
> would like to participate and are not already an attendee, please reply
> directly to me with your contact information.  I will respond with meeting
> details and will send an invitation toward the end of next week.  Please
> note that our call center limits the number of phone lines per conference.
> If interest is very broad, we may have to cap the number of participants.

To reiterate and reemphasize, please only join the call if you plan on 
committing to actively contribute to the required subsystems needed for 
development. Those on the call will be held accountable for work that is 
volunteered and/or assigned.

There is a *lot* to do for the LSPP effort, and having a technical 
teleconference will ensure development across all companies and efforts to 
determine priorities, dependencies, and status for various subsystems.

Thanks for doing the logistics for this, George!


Andrius Benokraitis <andriusb at redhat.com>
Partner Product Management and Common Criteria
Red Hat | 1801 Varsity Dr | Raleigh, NC | 27606
+1 919.754.4349 | +1 919.754.3708 (fax)

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