[redhat-lspp] Objects

Steve Grubb sgrubb at redhat.com
Wed Sep 21 14:30:36 UTC 2005


I think there was some question about the bandwidth that keys may have. Its 
seems pretty high:

[root at discovery keyutils-0.1]# ./keyctl add user mine data 1
[root at discovery keyutils-0.1]# ./keyctl update 19 "`cat /etc/passwd`"
[root at discovery keyutils-0.1]# ./keyctl read 19
2532 bytes of data in key:
726f6f74 3a783a30 3a303a72 6f6f743a 2f726f6f 743a2f62 696e2f62 6173680a

I was able to stuff the passwd file into it.

The next question is what should auditing look like for keys? How would people 
likely need to audit use of keys?

auditctl key -k keytype -r keyring -u uid -r role -t te-type

Or would syscall auditing suffice?


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