[redhat-lspp] LSPP/RBACPP requirements v.002

Chad Hanson chanson at TrustedCS.com
Wed Sep 28 17:44:52 UTC 2005

> A few comments/questions:
> - The "MLS policy and function requirement" says that we need a "real"
> MLS policy still.  I assume TCS has one, is it available?  
> Also, ideally
> we'd like to see the reference policy (with MCS and MLS changes
> included) used as the baseline for the effort if it matures in time.

We are in the process of updating our current MLS policy to rawhide sources.
We hope this should be done soon. We can provide a patch to the MLS policy
that Dan Walsh is maintaining currently and work out any kinks so we can get
this into rawhide.
> - With regard to the state of the "Label translation" requirement,
> libselinux upstream and in Fedora now includes the necessary
> infrastructure to support transparent label translations for
> applications that use it.  TCS has a patch for procps to make it use
> libselinux rather than directly reading /proc/pid/attr/current so that
> it will also use the translations, and has submitted it upstream.
> Fedora has a libsetrans that performs the actual translation for their
> MCS policy, but we'll need to generalize it or drop in a different one
> for MLS I think.  I assume TCS has one, but I think it then communicates
> with a daemon that internally uses the MITRE library.  MITRE 
> was open to the idea of open sourcing their library, but TCS didn't seem
to think
> that would be worthwhile versus just creating a clean reimplementation
> for anyone who isn't bound to using the MITRE one.  Not sure what others

We do have our own MITRE translation library. I would think we should either
extend the current libsetrans to support a generic MLS translator based on
whether the config is MCS or MLS or just create a new libsetrans. I don;t
know which is the best approach here.

> - I'm a bit unclear on the "Multilevel xinetd" and "Multilevel sshd"
> requirements.  Using the label of the incoming connection implies an
> obvious trust burden on the client, and that is all done prior to any
> normal user authentication mechanisms by the application, so 
> it may have little relevance to the actual authorized label for the user. 
>  The sshd selinux patch performs explicit transitions to an appropriate
> context for the user after authentication already. 

We do have an xinetd patch I can post. I need to check on openssh.



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