[redhat-lspp] Xinetd patch

Joe Nall joe at nall.com
Thu Sep 29 13:41:02 UTC 2005

On Sep 29, 2005, at 7:47 AM, Steve Grubb wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 September 2005 17:57, Chad Hanson wrote:
>> The desired behavior is to spawn off a process at the level of the  
>> incoming
>> packet.
> I think the "real" desired behavior is to define a context or list  
> of contexts
> that must be met by the incoming connection. This

If you have a system with hundreds of compartments and their  
(for example an inverse bit for each country), the configuration  
of this approach is prohibitive.
In our current CMW application, we use the 'launch at level' behavior of
inetd heavily. We even launch Apache 1.3.33 out of inetd to provide a  
rate (60 user) multilevel web and WebDAV server.


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