[redhat-lspp] Re: problem changing role.

Rodrigo Vivi vivijim at br.ibm.com
Tue Feb 7 17:18:08 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 07 February 2006 15:10, Stephen Smalley wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-02-07 at 14:52 -0200, Glauber de Oliveira Costa wrote:
> > I noticed the problem when doing the newrole command. When trying to
> > change root's role to sysadm_r , I got the following message:
> >
> > [root at localhost ~]# newrole -r sysadm_r -t sysadm_t
> > Authenticating root.
> > Password:
> > Error sending audit message.
> What does the following show for you?
> uname -r

This is a FC5 test2 !

> Also, I assume you are using selinux-policy-mls?

Yes, we are using mls policy !

About the what glauber said about a signal that there is something wrong:

I've eneabled mls using
yum install selinux-policy-mls;   (from yesterday !!)
Set policy to mls;
Set to permissive mode
touch /.autorelabel
After relabel I've noticed that some labels of /root was wrong so it was 
necessary to use 'fixfiles  relabel' to fix it !

> > type=SELINUX_ERR msg=audit(1139315244.562:56): SELinux:  unrecognized
> > netlink message type=2300 for sclass=49
> Yes, that netlink message isn't known to the mainline kernel yet, but a
> patch in the LSPP kernel and in recent rawhide kernels makes audit and
> SELinux aware of it.  So you need to be running a kernel that has that
> patch.

Rodrigo Vivi
vivijim at br.ibm.com
IBM - Linux Technology Center - Brazil

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