[redhat-lspp] LSPP Development Telecon 02/06/2006 Minutes

Debora Velarde dvelarde at us.ibm.com
Fri Feb 10 01:12:31 UTC 2006

LSPP Meeting 02/06/2006
Known Attendees:
   Matt Anderson (HP)
   Tim Chavez (IBM)
   Janak Desai (IBM) - jd
   Darrel Goeddel (TCS)
   Amy Griffins (HP) - ag
   Steve Grubb (Red Hat) - sg
   Chad Hanson (TCS)
   Dustin Kirkland (IBM) - dk
   Linda Knippers (HP) - lk
   Joy Latten (IBM)
   Paul Moore (HP)
   Michael Thompson (IBM)
   Debora Velarde (IBM)
   Dan Walsh (Red Hat)
   Klaus Weidner (atsec) - kw
   George Wilson (IBM) - gw
   Kris Wilson (IBM)
   Catherine Zhang (IBM) - cz

Tentative Agenda:
   IPsec labeling, getockopt(), xinetd
   VFS polyinstantiation
   AuditFS completion
   Audit enhancements
   Audit by role
   Audit of network events
   Device allocation, udev, DBUS
   SELinux base update
   MLS policy gaps
   Cron, mail, etc.
   Self tests
   Unit and functional tests
   Remaining tasks

IPsec labeling, getockopt(), xinetd
Joy needs to do testing on that
winding down Catherine's work on this

secpeer patch?
- worked on patch last week
- addressed comments from James
- found that tcp getsock peer is not working 2.6.16 kernel
- some changes on permissions needed for setting setkey operations and 
other operations
- that was another patch we discussed, the labelling patch,
- caused some bizarre behavior of tcp connection
- part encrypted and part not
- finishes successfully, when trying to get label, says no srm 
- chased it down to the missing permission
- sent a patch out to netdev this morning and waiting for comments
- hopefully will be close to last round

Chad found issue with pfkey used by racoon
not reliable when have a large number of associations 
which ipsec tool uses
fixed interface, sent email to netdev
feedback from Dave Miller, should be using netlink
ipsec tools package, uses pfkey instead of netlink
openswan does use netlink

ipsec-tools part of RHEL?
dump via netlink
should probably ask them if they'd take the patch before you invest a lot 
of time to that?
will post that tomorrow
upstream with those guys would be better 
sg: should post them to Dave Miller's email

is there a preferred solution for ipsec in Redhat DB?
is openswan used more?

rawhide is up to 6, 6.3 and they released 6.5 today
they're behind
version of ipsec tools isn't up to date

Joy: openswan was generated from freeswan, it had its own hooks that went 
into the kernel
 ipsec tools was the port of kame

ipsec-tools - all the work to add the context, not in openswan
licensing issue - have to redo it technically
ideal to try to get the netlinks to work DB inside ipsec-tools
chad will be investigating that plan

Joy had another patch on that
gw: ipsec tools patch?
Joy: the maintainer was busy wouldn't get a chance to look at that for 2 
   that was 2 weeks ago, so maybe will this week

        VFS polyinstantiation
Al had doctor appointment was hoping to be back

rc2 2.6.15 had some syscalls added but not unshare
Janak wanted to ask Al how to proceed
Janak will ask him on audit irc channel
syscalls that were added were ppoll and pselect (ppc only)

glibc implications, better to get it in sooner than later

Al had said there was a possibility of getting a syscall number reserved
if unshare can't make it until 17, at least reserving the number would 
keeping us from merging pam
Janak to ask Al

test kernels
- sg made a test kernel last week
- sg spoke w/ Andrius about how to distribute
- going to on partners page, but ran out of disk space
- adding more disk space, then can upload kernels
- not there yet but will be at:
- need to post on Russell's site

        AuditFS completion
1-3 parts have not been any changes since last week
audit inotify client
- still working out locking issues there
- posted work she had so far to linux audit list
- feedback on locking approach
- most code there, highlighted issues she still sees and thinks she needs 
to work on
sg: ready for test kernel?
ag: no, added code at the end that hasn't been tested
    interface patch and the inotify could go in
    keep inotify client out for the time being
    hopefully in a week

dk: would like to see her patch in the kernel
gw -> ag: which kernel will that make it into?
sg -> ag: are you driving towards any kernel in particular?
ag: haven't been targeting any particular kernel

to expedite it folks could take a look at the patch posted 

sg: in the past Tim had worked out the locking in parallel with folks 
reviewing and testing
dk: potential problems, would it only surface if folks watch a file?
    folks won't be hitting it as long as they aren't adding rules to watch 
dk: that would allow us, that wouldn't mind knocking it around, to try it
    and wouldn't hurt other people not trying the new features
lk: guess it would be good to add it
sg: to get better feedback
lk (or ag?): get one kind of feedback, 
ag: will do a little bit of compatibility testing
    she's using UP system, no MP
am: but if folks are running this on an MP system, can't tell you what its 
going to affect
sg: ability to list, add, delete watches
    at least we can start testing that
am: a lot of that in the interface patch, don't need this to test that
sg: probably would get better feedback if rolled the kernel and put the 4 
patches on that
gw: would get more eyes on it
ag: how many people are running the kernel?
    4 or 5 people responded
ag: and you'll look at the code too?
dk: when something breaks I will 
gw: getting your code perfect before publishing vs publish early and 
publish often
dk: going to rpm, install it on diff archs and see how it works
ag: when i posted it, wasn't with the intention of it to be applied
ag: include 2 of those 3 patches
    then next week maybe would be ready to try the 3rd
gw: consensus?
lk: go with the 2 patches that are ready
sg: Amy, can you email me the 2 specific patches ready to be rolled into 
ag: yes
dk: or post to list dropping RFC on these 2 patches

        Audit enhancements
Tim finished on Friday
 had machine problems
 put a fresh install
 patched Viro kernel and building
once tried it (selinux enabled, disabled, etc) 
  will post it to the list

        Audit by role
Dustin put out a patch for role based filtering
Stephen Smalley not on the line, had suggested
  a couple important things that should be done differently
dk didn't make any modifications to selinux code
ss suggested we make a couple new functions and create a public API that 
audit can use
dk going to try to do that
sg and dk asked if he could do that, ss said no
chad: which functions?
dk: mallocing a new string and retrieving the full context label
   colon separated label
   slicing and dicing that into proper fields in audit
   security get role, return the role
   selinux would make the decision as to what the role is rather than 
   in process of reworking that

chad: why separating category and sensitivity?
dk doesn't understand those last 2 roles, asks chad for 
chad: category and sensitivity creates the MLS range
  combination of sensitivity and category make up the sensitivity labels
  sensitivity and category make one label, such as TopSecret
chad: don't need to separate category from sensitivity, 
Darrell: probably shouldn't, don't have meaning by themselves
dk: next iteration will be a minimal, only role for LSPP
chad: do need to be able to filter by label per CC
  RBAC but in the LSPP section of that

dk: 2nd question, anyone have selinux kernel expertise that can help make 
these changes?
Darrel will take a look at the thread and let dk know if he can help out 
with that piece
sg: ss brought up another point
    subject, object, or either that we're auditing against?
sg: need to be able to audit either
  adds a wrinkle to the patch
  no suggestions on what to do, but need to be able to specify either
  filter on the subject or filter on the object
  kernel has to be able to distinguish between the subj and obj
dk: field flags array - each field has 32 possible flags
    can I assume that I could flag one of those fields to indicate if it 
applies to subj, obj, or both
sg: userspace, you would give 
    -F subj_role=admin_r -F obj_role=
   name on the left is the field

Is TCS on audit irc channel? 
no, what channel is it? 
#audit on irc.freenode.net

        Audit of network events

print cups-1.1-23.30
looking at the audit messages
make sure they contain all the info needed
no audit msgs for failed jobs (outside the range)
looking into determining if user is submitting a job outside the range and 
get that failure to them in command line and audit

audit 1.1.3
MLS policy - wasn't able to bind to the port he needed
patch to the MLS policy to fix that problem?

looked into the packages that thinks he'll need
all were in security target for RHEL4
looks like they are

Dan: if get it to me then he can look at the policy

if print fails, audited

85% done

lk: do people want to see this as a work in progress policy?
Matt: can send this to the list

Device allocation, udev, DBUS
Cory sent updated src rpm to debora
chad: putting the MLS utils package
  should have a newer one 
  allocating different devices
debora working on updating from the old policy 
chad: could have another guy look at the policy too

        SELinux base update
put a lot of stuff on the fedora wiki
lot of people testing with MLS 
capability that allows you to fix the policy
send avc messages we're seeing and Dan can make updates
we'll try to screen the problems here first

        MLS policy gaps
going to have updates
test on it
get errors out of it at a minimum
better to get patch updates and send to Dan

        Cron, mail, etc.
no new updates
going to setup an MLS machine to test cron on

        Self tests
need to identify areas to make progress

        Unit and functional tests
reminder: share existing unit tests

Dan putting info on fedora wiki
if not a link on Russell's page need to put one there

        Remaining tasks
sg: trading emails with Stephen Smoogen posted to lspp list
  configuration tool to lockdown a machine
  curious if anybody is interested in that kind of thing?
  a lot of people that would like a tool like that
  automatic lockdown capability - verifies configuration
sounds like self test
sounds like Bastille on steroids, written to follow a STIG?
something worth writing? - see if someone will volunteer

kris: Test 3 mentioned, when will we see that?
  slipped by a week 
  should ship 2 weeks from today 

lspp wiki: http://cable.coker.com.au:800/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

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