[redhat-lspp] LSPP wiki moved - now what do we do with status reports?

Russell Coker rcoker at redhat.com
Mon Feb 13 11:36:05 UTC 2006


As requested I've copied the content from my wiki at the above URL to
the below wiki:


While doing so I added a bit of extra content, but the bulk is the same.


The one thing I have not copied so far is the status reports at the
above URL.  I couldn't work out how to get a page of plain HTML in the
new wiki.  I'm not sure that a wiki is the correct place for such things
though, as exports of a spread-sheet I don't think that they should be
stored in a place that encourages hand editing.  Maybe they should be
stored on a regular web server somewhere and linked to from the wiki?

Please make no more changes to the old wiki, I'm leaving it online at
the moment so that everyone can verify that I didn't miss anything.

The problem people had with my wiki was that during the hottest days of
summer the temperature in my server room was exceeding 40C and I had to
turn machines off to avoid hardware damage (particularly to hard
drives).  Through a reorganization of the computers in my house and the
fact that the hottest days of summer are (hopefully) past this is not a
problem now.  But having the fedoraproject.org site host it will give
other benefits anyway (including faster access).

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