[redhat-lspp] Re: [PATCH] pam_namespace module patch

Klaus Weidner klaus at atsec.com
Sat Feb 18 04:09:05 UTC 2006

On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 09:51:56PM -0600, Klaus Weidner wrote:
> Warning: I've modified the hash calculation slightly to avoid
> invalidating the hash if the prefix changes - if you depend on the old
> names this part should be reverted. I hope nobody is using this on a
> production system yet...
> +	    if (asprintf(i_name, "%s;%s;%s", polyptr->dir,
> +		    *i_context, idata->user) < 0)

Actually, I think the polyptr->dir could be removed from the hash
calculation too, and the poly_name built from the context and/or username
only. The destionation prefix is added later to make it unique. Or are
people planning to do something like the following?

	# bad due to potential collision
	/tmp  /common/inst-
	$HOME /common/inst-


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