[redhat-lspp] New install questions

Joe Nall joe at nall.com
Mon Feb 20 19:33:34 UTC 2006

I built an MLS system this weekend using the procedure at http:// 
www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/SELinux/FedoraMLSHowto and have a few  

How do I represent releasability? For example, how do I represent  
data that is 'secret releasable to usa' or 'secret releasable to aus'  
in /etc/selinux/mls/setrans.conf? This corresponds to the inverse bit  
usage in the old Mitre Encodings file.

I was unable to find an rpm for the MLS policy sources. Is a current  
one available? Is the sourceforge CVS the preferable place to get the  
policy sources?


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