[redhat-lspp] Re: LSPP/RBACPP requirements v.006

Steve Grubb sgrubb at redhat.com
Thu Jan 26 18:26:41 UTC 2006

On Thursday 26 January 2006 12:53, Linda Knippers wrote:
>> Item 07) Mentions init in the description, no mention of init in 
>> implementation section...so I don't know what this is.
>It also mentions the CUPS client may be a candidate, but item 4 talks
>about CUPS.  Is the point of item 7 to audit role transitions and
>we thought init and CUPS might do that?  Or is this item to look through
>all SELinux-related trusted programs to make sure they meet the audit
>requirements as specified in the protection profiles?

I think its to look through the programs and add audit instrumentation. I can 
understand CUPS client, but I don't know what was supposed to be instrumented 
in init.

> I assume Item 30) status will be updated based on the discussion
> we had on Monday.  I think we're no longer investigating tripwire,
> for example.  The details would be in Debora's notes.


> Are we still looking for a volunteer to work on this?  Steve is listed as
> the owner but I don't know if that's because he's working on it or he's the
> default owner.

Default owner. Volunteers are welcome...


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