[redhat-lspp] Re: cups userspace -- trusted programs?

Michael C Thompson thompsmc at us.ibm.com
Mon Jun 5 18:25:43 UTC 2006

Matt Anderson wrote:
> Michael C Thompson wrote:
>>>> Personally, I think these tools should generate messages since they 
>>>> are a source for leaking information, and therefore should be 
>>>> restricted to administrators.
> I don't think they should be considered a source for leaking 
> information.  The only thing I see isn't a leak so much as a (extremely 
> low bandwidth) covert channel of "is the printer enabled or disabled?" 
> Since the use of these programs is restricted, we're covered under 
> no-evil-admin.

How are these restricted? Or rather, how are they supposed to be 
restricted? I am able to cupsenable, cupsdisable, accept and reject my 
printer as a non-root user under both permissive and enforcing modes.

>> Aside from what is *required*, I thought it would be a good thing to 
>> log the queue/printer enable/disable. However, if cups is logging 
>> that, I'm not sure it is worth being redundant in our logs.
> As long as LogLevel is set to info or higher you'll get a message in 
> /var/log/cups/error_log like:
> [Timestamp] Printer 'foo' stopped by 'root'.
> I think I agree with you that its probably not worth being redundant, 
> but if for someone finds a requirement for this to go to the audit log I 
> don't see any issues around adding that.
> -matt

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