[redhat-lspp] lspp 36 kernel released

Paul Moore paul.moore at hp.com
Fri Jun 16 14:56:35 UTC 2006

Steve Grubb wrote:
> On Friday 16 June 2006 10:40, Michael C Thompson wrote:
>>They all look like kernel modules... any idea what's up?
> This was a bug reported in rawhide yesterday, too. I'll build a new kernel 
> when the rawhide bug is fixed and pick up the latest patches. In the 
> meantime, I think you can tell it --nodeps.
> -Steve

Out of curiosity, does the lspp.36 kernel have the serial console fixed?
 A "friend of mine" sometimes needs a serial console so that he can see
the entire panic message :)

paul moore
linux security @ hp

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