[redhat-lspp] Got up at 5 AM, and thought I would try to write a new role

Daniel J Walsh dwalsh at redhat.com
Fri Jun 16 19:57:28 UTC 2006

I wanted to try to create an auditadm_r.

I was surprised how easy it was.   Had to trim down the 
base_user_template, and add a couple of apache interfaces,
but basically ended up with the following.  Tried it out on an MLS 
machine and it seems to work pretty well.  I even
have it defined as a loadable module. Comments below.  One problem is we 
need an easier way of handling
/etc/selinux/mls/contexts/default_type.  Had to add httpdadm_r:httpdadm_t.

semanage users -m -R httpdadm_r SELINUXUSER


# Declarations
        role staff_r;
        type staff_devpts_t, staff_tty_device_t, staff_t;

        allow $1_r $2_r;
        type_change $2_t $1_devpts_t:chr_file $2_devpts_t;
        type_change $2_t $1_tty_device_t:chr_file $2_tty_device_t;
        # avoid annoying messages on terminal hangup
        dontaudit $1_t { $2_devpts_t $2_tty_device_t }:chr_file ioctl;
#####  Need to figure out a way make role_change a callable function.  
Perhaps just define staff_role_change and user_role_change

####  Needed to strip down base_user_template.  Do not want to create 
homedirs and eliminate all of the optional policy.  Talked to Chris 
about breaking
####  base_user_template into a series of templates.
#### Would prefer staff_role_change (httpadm)

#### Probably should be defined in one of the base_user_templates, since 
this is pretty much required if you have a shell.


##### Problems, I can't easily modify the running service.  IE I would 
figure the auditadmin would want to be able to start/stop/signal the 
##### But we do not have an easy way of doing only one service, and not 
all the rest.  Might have to add the ability to run su/sudo so if you 
##### first it will work.

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