[redhat-lspp] Re: LSPP Development Telecon 06/19/2006 Minutes

Joe Nall joe at nall.com
Fri Jun 23 16:30:26 UTC 2006

On Jun 23, 2006, at 2:31 AM, Andrey Savochkin wrote:

> Which implies the question why "port polyinstantiation" is needed  
> in the
> first place.  The authors of TCP protocol introduced the notion of  
> "port"
> to make (IP, port) pair a unique identifier of the endpoint.
> What's wrong with this definition of port?

We have new connection attributes available available and want to make
use of them to make building systems easier.

Since there are standardized port number assignments, running daemons at
multiple security levels means configuration changes at every level for
servers and clients _or_ some magic to make the servers all share a  

There are many approaches that can work with a few levels, the list of
practical approaches diminishes rapidly as the number of levels goes up.


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