[redhat-lspp] avc_has_perm oddness

Matt Anderson mra at hp.com
Mon Jun 26 18:33:50 UTC 2006

In trying to come up with the correct access check for lpq I looked at
security_compute_av() and avc_has_perm_noaudit()  According to the man
page for security_compute_av the cron source is an example, so I also
took a look at that.

Using this sample program I always get 0 as the return value, which
should indicate success, but I get it even when I supply values which
should fail.  The only time avc_has_perm_noaudit() returns  -1 is when
the policy does not allow access to the selinux_netlink_socket tclass.

Looking at the cron source I see a comparison of the av_decision.allowed
with the access_vector_t that was requested.  When I look at the
av_decision.allowed after calling avc_has_perm I always see 0.

Am I doing something wrong?  Does the documentation describe the current

Any help would be appreciated.
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