[redhat-lspp] Login onto virtual terminal with SL of Secret

Valdis.Kletnieks at vt.edu Valdis.Kletnieks at vt.edu
Mon Jun 26 23:50:00 UTC 2006

On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 18:23:48 CDT, Joe Nall said:
> > Out of curiosity, if it's confined to 'Secret only', is it able to
> > open the mingetty binary?  What, if any, avc's get generated when
> > you try this?
> None that appear related.

> Jun 26 18:21:16 cipso kernel: audit(1151364076.286:200): avc:   
> denied  { mounton } for  pid=4226 comm="login"  
> name="polyinstantiated" dev=dm-0 ino=36864115  
> scontext=system_u:system_r:local_login_t:s2  
> tcontext=user_u:object_r:user_t:s0 tclass=dir

Let me guess - it lives long enough to prompt for a userid/password, and
then dies?  This looks like the namespace.init stuff failing to work - you
probably need to check namespace.conf and make sure the 'polyinstantiated'
directory has a label that local_login_t:s2 can mount onto.  Failing that,
add 'debug' to the pam.d line for namespaces:

session    required     pam_namespace.so debug

and then go see if anything useful pops up in /var/log/secure
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