[redhat-lspp] Re: mcstransd question

Linda Knippers linda.knippers at hp.com
Mon Oct 2 19:19:12 UTC 2006

>>For the translation daemon itself, you might want a libselinux function
>>that lets you disable all translations (i.e. set a flag that is checked
>>on entry by selinux_trans_to_raw_context() and
>>selinux_raw_to_trans_context() and handled in the same manner as the !
>>mls_enabled case).  Then the translation daemon could just call any
>>libselinux function without needing to worry about accidentally
>>triggering a communication to itself.
> I threw together a couple of patches.  Is this what you had in mind?

Saw a bug in the mcstransd patch as soon as I mailed it, fixed here.

-- ljk

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