[redhat-lspp] Feature complete Trusted Printing patch

Matt Anderson mra at hp.com
Wed Oct 11 22:45:16 UTC 2006

Attached is the latest cups-lspp.patch which applies cleanly to
cups-1.2.4-9.  This patch contains additions that set the security level
of the spool file to match the context of the job.  This combined with
the policy updates allows for the sysadm_r role to properly administer
the job queue.

The patch cups-policy.patch applies to selinux-policy-2.3.18-8.  This
patch resets some of the file contexts and removes some allow rules in
order to more closely match what CUPS needs.  I understand from previous
posts that these changes may disrupt other versions of lpd.  I'm
providing my patch as a basis for what CUPS needs, but I expect these
changes will be incorporated in a way that makes use of a boolean tunable.

Some additional permissions were need in order to allow various
operations.  I've attached cupsmod.te as the basis for building a policy
module which contains the needed allows.

As with before, in order to make use of the trusted printing additions
you'll need to setup your system as described here:

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