[redhat-lspp] LSPP kickstart config script (work in progress)

Klaus Weidner klaus at atsec.com
Thu Oct 12 06:54:02 UTC 2006

On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 04:13:37PM -0400, Linda Knippers wrote:
> Thanks for posting the kickstart based configuration RPM.  When I
> first tried it I ended up with a system that wasn't bootable.  Turns
> out there's an existing bugzilla for the problem I was seeing.
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=201875
> I don't know if the fix will be in beta 2.

I don't have sufficient clearance to see that bug :-(

> I was able to get the installation to work by using the original
> lvm-based storage configuration.  Basically, I uncommented the
> original LVM setup commands and commented out the new 'part' commands.
> Diffs are below.

I've merged your changes, see my separate mail announcing the git

> If we find that LVM works for some platforms but not for others
> we may need to add a question about that at install time or
> conditionalize the script based on architecture, if its an
> architecture-specific thing.  Any thoughts on that?

It would be fairly easy to conditionalize, but I hope that the LVM config
will work well enough to switch to it completely. Please speak up if LVM


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