[redhat-lspp] git repository for LSPP kickstart config

Klaus Weidner klaus at atsec.com
Thu Oct 12 06:46:02 UTC 2006

On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 06:42:41PM -0500, Klaus Weidner wrote:
> as promised on the conf call, here's the kickstart based configuration RPM:
>   http://klaus.vh.swiftco.net/lspp/SRPMS/

Now with a git repository:


(Source and .noarch RPMs also available at the old location)

Here are the changes based on the initially published 0.6-1:

	add FIXME: compat_net isn't checked yet
	Use SystemLow-SystemHigh range for new administrative users
	polyinstantiate $HOME on user name
	Switch default partitioning back to LVM

Also, it now includes a simple "make-rpm" script to create RPMs. (It's
customizable, see the script header.)

Thanks to Linda for trying it out and reporting the non-LVM install

If you're not familiar with git, I recommend using the "cogito" frontend
which makes it work more like CVS, SVN or other familiar tools.

Initial checkout:

 cg-clone http://klaus.vh.swiftco.net/lspp/git/ lspp-config-repo/

Get upstream updates:

 cd lspp-config-repo/

Commit local changes and make a patch for e-mail:

 vi FILE
 cg-mkpatch > ../my-changes.diff

See all local modifications:

 cg-diff -r origin

If you are planning on maintaining complex local changes, check out StGIT
("quilt for GIT").


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