[redhat-lspp] Labeled networking MLS constraints?

James Antill jantill at redhat.com
Wed Oct 18 19:12:37 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 12:09 -0400, Paul Moore wrote:

> I just spent a few minutes looking at splice() and there are two things I am
> concerned about (anybody have any others?):
> 1. Application splice()'ing a socket with a context matching the domain to a
> socket created a setsockcreatecon() context.  This could be an issue, but since
> setsockcreatecon() is restrcited I wonder if it would be a problem in practice.

 I'm not 100% sure that splice() can do TCP -> TCP splices. The idea
behind the API is that everything goes through a pipe(). So you'd have:

net IN -> pipe -> net OUT

...where the pipe acts in the same way to a user space buffer (and you'd
need two splice calls ... one acts as the read and one as the write).
 I'd heard they'd done an "internal pipe" for disk IO -> network so that
splice() could be directly called instead of sendfile().

> 2. Similar to #1 but in the case the non-matching socket would be created
> through accept() and labeled networking.  This is a bit more scary as this has
> the potential to be more widespread than #1.  However, if Venkat is right about
> being able to deny connections at the connection request level then this may not
> be an issue.

 How would you treat read+write here? Ie. if splice fails the app. is
going to go into a "read net IN" "write net OUT" loop. I think you have
to treat splice the same way.

James Antill <jantill at redhat.com>
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