[redhat-lspp] LSPP Development Telecon 10/23/2006 Minutes

Loulwa Salem loulwas at us.ibm.com
Tue Oct 24 02:20:40 UTC 2006

10/23/2006 lspp Meeting Minutes:

   Lawrence Wilson (IBM) - LW
   George Wilson (IBM) - GW
   Loulwa Salem (IBM) - LS
   Michael Thompson (IBM) - MT
   Joy Latten (IBM) - JL
   Irina Boverman (Red Hat) - IB
   Steve Grubb (Red Hat) - SG
   Dan Walsh (Red Hat) - DW
   James Antel (Red Hat) - JA
   Lisa Smith (HP) - LMS
   Matt Anderson (HP) - MA
   Paul Moore (HP) - PM
   Klaus Weidner (Atsec) - KW
   Darrel Goeddel (TCS) - DG

Tentative Agenda:

     SG: we need to remove the audit item from the agenda, I have not seen any
	issues with that
     KW: I have an item on audit, regarding the pam_loginuid model causing sshd
	to segfault.
     SG: ok, we need to add a section about bugs to the agenda then
     GW: I downloaded the aide package and built it on ppc64, and tried it with 	
	james config file, I am making progress and spending time to see what I
	need to take out of my python program, I think most of it will be
	changed. By the way, I do have a section in the agenda for bugs and
	remaining tasks.

Kernel update
     GW: any new kernel issues, any problems with the .52 and latest beta
     LS: no problems that I have seen.
     GW: we have not installed latest beta since we only have client, from our
	point of view, we need to get 390 builds, we have not had those
	recently, I know you guys don't control that, but there are some
	blockers there. Is it ok to try to verify those bugs with just client
	images. can we verify on client?
     SG: I know there are no differences in packages. It should be identical
	packages between client and server
     KW: what about base selection, we are using the kickstart(KS) to have the
	base packages installed. Is that the same set of packages
     SG: I don't know, I haven't played with the KS. I know that the same
	packages on client and server are identical, but not sure if the base
	install set is the same
     GW: we need to try and see if we get the same set of packages for base
     KW: we can use rpm -qa to check base set, but you are saying that same
	packages are identical on server and client
     SG: yes
     GW: we'll at least verify with i386. Ok, we'll discuss this further later,
	but how is networking looking on .52 kernel Joy?
     JL: some of venkat's socket code for MLS transfer code was not there, venkat
	gave me a patch and that worked. TE part works, but I am still concerned
	with the MLS part. the MLS label doesn't look correct to me; my SA still
	seems to have wrong MLS level based on label of the subject
     GW: you expect the level to come off the flow?
     JL: I expect it to be at the socket level
     KS: In general enforcement happens between a subject and their communication
	partner, usually subject and socket will have the same label unless in
	case of trusted subjects. So please don't test with ping since it is a
	special program, and trusted. Use regular tcp or udp
     JL: ftp and password
     KW: yes, or even use plain telnet, wget or stuff like that
     JL: so my mls level should be of person that issued the program
     GW: should be the same
     JL: this makes me wonder why we have security context in the SPD then if it
	is not used?
     KW: It is supposed to be used, networking layer has no concept of users, so
	you need to copy properties to be processed. it is indirect, but no
	translation is happening there
     JL: all we use the SPD entry is to do a poll match, that does an MLS check?
     KW: yes, it does. The check is supposed to happen for incoming packets. I
	don't know how it works exactly, but it uses two separate mechanisms
     JL: in that case, everything looks good to me then
     GW: current kernel is looking ok?
     JL: yes, with the current testing I did, I'll do more testing though.
     GW: without venkat's patch?
     JL: No, with venkat's patch, you need that on .52
     GW: Ok, so in general what about the rest of it. does it seem stable?
     JL: I have not done any stress test. I'll do that tonight to see how it
	stands up to it
     GW: that would be good. We don't know when the patch will go in, and what
	others we need
     JL: venkat implied he was working on a better MLS patch
     GW: we'll talk on more detail in a bit.
     JL: ok, so based on the patch and what klaus said, it seems fine
     GW: so you need the patch
     JL: yes
     GW: did it go upstream
     JL: not sure, he said he was working on new MLS transform patch. I assumed
	it includes the patch I need, but I'll email him and ask if he will
	include this in his new patch.

Beta / Rawhide

SELinux base update

MLS policy issues
     GW: any policy updates?
     MA: I am still waiting on policy update, didn't make it upstream yet.
     DW: which one?
     MA: MLS write in range, to have ranged printer device files and security
	server allow write access as long as it is in range
     DW: you wrote a patch for that?
     MA: I sent something to the list and chris responded. I don't think he put
	in the reference policy. There was lots of work being done, so I think
	it got dropped. I can email him again and remind him about it. I just
	wanted to bring up this one more policy thing to get in
     DW: I just didn't update.
     GW: would it help to open a bug
     DW: it always helps to open a bug
     SG: everything needs a bug to pull in the beta
     MA: my earlier cups bug is not completely closed
     SG: It should be in a modified state
     MA: I'll open a bug on that, but I'll also remind chris
     DW: I don't mind taking your patch, but would rather not take it in and have
	it change, so I prefer to take it from upstream
     DW: there are also some breakage in crond patch, so I submitted patch to
	crond maintainer.The way you have to write crontab policy is not as I
	hoped. There seems to be a problem, it works, just no user friendly
     GW: so you are updating the bug on how to do this?
     DW: you have to put a context but it has to be reachable from crond.
     GW: I see .. that is convoluted ..
     DW: I will see if I can get it better, but it works now ...
     LS: Dan, I have a bug that I am verifying with crond, and I was running into
	some problems. So can you tell me the bug number so that I can see if
	some of what you have in there might help me
     DW: It is 207433, the last policy is 2.4.3, available in my people page. we
	are waiting for update of beta, it will be in beta 2
     KW: I get "you are not allowed to access bug 207433", it is not accessible,
	can we resolve that
     IB: I have been trying to open all the bugs I know about.
     KW: could we agree on process that software bugs are interesting, can we
	forward them to you Irena to open them up
     DW: by default, all issue tracker bugs are closed.
     GW: Ok, that makes sense, I am adding you klaus, I have access to it, when
	people have interest, I'll add them to the cc list so they get
     IB: you can make a comment, you can ask that the bug be open for these some
	people and I'll open it
     KW: thanks
     GW: any other policy issues

Newrole & VFS polyinstantiation
     GW: what to do about this, klaus proposed that we restrict access to newrole
	to authorized admins only, seems like a reasonable suggestion
     SG: I think there is another discussion to solve the same issue through pam,
	james antel is looking into that
     JA: that was my understanding for a resolution, you still need to have
	different roles. so as well as allowing newrole there had to be other
	ways to do it, so we can add it to pam to choose what level you come in
	as same thing on sshd
     KW: several levels of solution, pam is the right long time solution, this is
	for the people who want to do multi level login
     JA: login at terminal level, it's not about info leak, you need to login at
	different roles
     KW: good to have, but not much problem in practice. the pieces we have right
	now involve restricting newrole to admins, and not have pam solution,
	but as work around, we have multiple unix login names. It is ugly, but
	we have something consistent. in future we can have pam instead of
	multiple login, nice but not necessarily to have for this rhel5
     GW: yeah that would be good to have a clean nice solution
     KW: if it is there for rhel5, it is fine, but it will not so much for
	testers, since they have to restructure the tests. If it works it'll be
	nice, if not we can use multi login names
     SG: that's what we were thinking too, restricting newrole
     KW: restricting newrole to admins is right solution regardless if pam is
	working or not. if people don't see that as a problem, then they can
	downgrade that file
     DW: how do you envision becoming an admin
     KW: login as staff_u then do su to root then use newrole
     DW: so newrole is protected by DAC permissions
     KW: yes, executable by user
     DW: but doesn't help if I ssh in
     KW: if you ssh in you are still able to do admin work if you don't change
	your MLS level.
     DW: should newrole policy not allow to use sudo terminal for changing levels
     KW: it leave small exposure if admin uses it wrong, but it is less of a
	problem than all users having access. currently there is consensus if
	pam solution works, it is nice, but we are not Dependant on that.
	Of course the sooner we see a preview of what that looks like, it will be
	easier to integrate it
     JA: I'll post to the list by tomorrow
     GW: great, thanks. that solves the downgrade path through PTY problem. How
	is the patch to newrole going Mike?
     KW: The goal would be that newrole does right thing when suid, but doesn't
	need to be suid
     MT: stephen smalley responded to my latest send, had few comments. He was
	wondering if people want to preserve environment across newrole.
	currently it resets environment to sanitized state. su has this
	functionality with -p flag, this is easily implemented but not
	currently. If people want it I can do that
     GW: stephen thinks you need to do that?
     MT: He wanted to know if people want it. The other things are minor
     GW: so goal is to get that upstream and in Sourceforge project
     MT: yup, going slow but steady
     GW: anything else about those
     KW: one thing to look into, nice to have a patch to newrole and pam_model to
	plyinstantiate on numerical user id. Not sure if we want to change the
	behavior, or have option to do either one. this is backup plan in case
	we don't have pam model choosing
     MT: would you want polyinstantiation to be shared across. I see that the
	case of having polyinstantiation on uid to be valuable. in terms of
	evaluation don't you want polyinstantiation to break up based on level
     KW: let's say you have user smith and smith-secret, if user smith is coming
	in through ssh secret connection, then you will be getting in as user
     GW: it would be nice to have this as an option. more flexibility
     KW: by the way polyinstantiating home directory is a pain in the neck.
     GW: other issues?

PTY leakage

Audit userspace
     GW: other audit issues ...
     MT: small question, so the vsftpd package which is an ftp server, does not
	generate audit messages for anonymous login
     KW: it doesn't, since anonymous doesn't have context is not identified
     MT: ok, I didn't know
     KW: it is not required in LSPP, since it requires identification and
	authentication, but not valid if you are anonymous

     GW: anything else matt?
     MA: did testing with policy that dan released. I started actually stopping
	to look at print. I focused on KS script on our end and some
	polyinstantiation stuff. for now I will consider cups done.
     KW: if you have feedback for incorporating that in KS, contact me
     MA: that's the plan klaus
     GW: I'll keep this on agenda for another week
     MA: at least for one more week, until policy is resolved
     DW: there is policy update for that range stuff, but not in yet

     GW: any cipso updates?
     PM: policy should be in mainline reference policy tree as well as rawhide
	MLS policy. I expect it in rhel5 beta. I've done good stuff for netlabel
	control. is it in rawhide steve?
     GW: yes
     PM: all testing seems to be working as expected
     SG: should be in latest beta.
     PM: all I have to say, I think we are in pretty good shape.

     GW: apparently from what Joy is saying, there is patch for .52 kernel to
	have MLS work correctly. it is getting type part from wrong place. is
	anyone from TCS on phone?
     DG: I can tell what I know. I think there are few issues that venkat fixed
	in secid reconciliation patch. we are trying to pinpoint those issues
	and make separate patches to make sure base stuff work correctly. if
	anyone has specific issues, he will get that split out of the patch. if
	there is anything else that needs to be split out, email him.
     PM: Darryl, we can't hear you too well, can you repeat please
     DG: we will split out bug fixes in secid reconciliation patches. The issue
	joy talked about, I mentioned to venkat ans he is working on it. if
	there are any issues, let us know and we'll also split that out.
     GW: sounds like a good plan to me. so I guess we are expecting another patch
	set this week?
     DG: not sure what he is doing, we are moving, so not sure what he did last
     GW: oh, you mean you are physically moving
     DG: yes, moving offices. I'll make sure we have patches out very soon
     GW: good to get that in new kernel. and Joy you would be interested in
	testing that. sounds like good news. anybody has objections or points
	you want to raise about that? sounds like we need pieces in to make MLS
	work. we'll leave it there, and not try to do integration with secmark,
	is he gonna do that or later?
     DG: not sure, we decided that kernel will not meet our needs, so we'll
	provide our own kernel anyway and refine it on our own
     GW: we will have an lspp kernel, do you think this will meet your needs
     DG: don't really know, people don't seem to be understanding each other, we
	will use it, build it and refine it and once it works, we'll push
	something later. I know venkat is working on this.
     GW: hope will be that this will get resolved. and we'll be using similar
	bits, but I can certainly understand your need for kernel to meet your
     DW: me and chad will talk to him again, and get a status on where we are
     GW: if we get something for lspp, cipso will be there, but will not serve as
	forward solution
     DG: what we would do ourselves is the forwarded traffic, the MLS will be
     KW: I am getting the impression that the controversy is about Types and TE,
	and what the labels mean in this context, and not an MLS problem. I
	guess cipso has advantage since it has simpler model .
     DG: idea that labeled ipsec should give full context, don't see how that
     PM: cipso is easier because you have security attribute in sk-buff, that
	makes it a whole lot easier to deal with. in ipsec you don't always have
     KW: as far as TE is concerned, people have different understanding of what
	label should be and where it gets set
     GW: looks like lots of good discussion, but we have a time barrier. at end
	of day we need to produce something useful for the customers
     DG: we need to get bug fixes in secid conciliation patch, so we are
	splitting it to push smaller pieces upstream and have MLs working
	flawlessly. and keep working on the forward flaw patch. we want to get
	basic things working and work on others later
     GW: I hope we can complete that work and put it upstream to have usable and
	maintainable solution. It is disheartening to hear to be honest, but I
	understand. we'll do what we can with what we have now.
     DG: it is disheartening to us too, we had the design a month ago and was
	hoping we'll get it all in, but things change and we need to adapt to
     GW: thanks for the update Darryl, if people have comments to add to that. I
	don't know at what point RedHat will take what is there, what will be 	
	sufficient to meet lspp minimum from ipsec point of view. it will be
	disappointing to have cipso only. this gives up a subset of compartment
	and ipv4
     DG: labeled ipsec is a complete solution. basically the secid reconcilliatin
	we will pull back on. but labeled ipsec is something that should be
	done. For example, what joy had, we'll split that separate and push
	upstream. labeled ipsec looks good on my book
     KW: might want to require ip forwarding to be turned off
     DG: most machines do not need it, but I have some that do
     SG: is eric paris on line. I'll talk off line with him. the issue that joy
	brought up, we'll take care of that soon, but we need bugzilla and a
	patch, if not in beta, then in lspp test kernel.
     PM: all the lspp beta bits will be in 53?
     SG: yes
     GW: when you get new kernel, joy will test with it and report results. most
	important is to test and find the missing pieces that TCS needs to know,
	so focus needs to be MLS
     JL: also report policy issues?
     GW: yeah, anything .. report to owner and copy list
     KW: get in touch with me if not sure about the behavior
     GW: and open a bug for it if it needs to go in

Labeled networking stabilization

     GW: any xientd issues
     PM: I have one, Steve is working on patch to get ....
     SG: bug still open, hoping to look at that tomorrow

Self tests
     GW: got James antels modified aide, with SHA-256 and extended attributes,
	built that and will incorporate that in self tests and get rid of rpm
	database checking and md5sum checks. 95% of self test will go away. if
	you have ideas that you want to see, let me know. I am working on that
	this week so will produce an iteration in next 7 days.

Cron, tmpwatch, mail, etc.
     GW: Dan mentioned some issues about sending mail, and running context.
	sending mail is something that needs to be tried and tested.

Bugs / remaining tasks
     GW: if there are any issues, deficiencies, please open bug to track it and
	copy irena
     KW: regarding the segfault in pam_loginuid, steve, if you have any idea,
	then please let me know, since gdb is hard to use in this case
     SG: is this a bugzilla
     KW: issue tracker.
     SG: did not see bugzilla, but we need the maintainer to pam to be on there
	as well. there is some disconnect between bugzilla and issue tracker it
     GW: not automatic to have bugzilla if you open an issue tracker.
     KW: ok, I'll check and get back to that.
     GW: any other issues to bring up. ok we'll adjourn the meeting. Thanks

Final cutoff date

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