[redhat-lspp] LSPP Development Telecon 02/19/2007 Minutes

Loulwa Salem loulwas at us.ibm.com
Tue Feb 20 22:49:55 UTC 2007

02/19/2007 lspp Meeting Minutes:

   Loulwa Salem (IBM) - LS
   Debora Velarde (IBM) - DV
   Michael Thompson (IBM) - MT
   Joy Latten (IBM) - JL
   Kylene J Hall (IBM) - KH
   Irina Boverman (Red Hat) - IB
   Steve Grubb (Red Hat) - SG
   Dan Walsh (Red Hat) - DW
   Eric Paris (Red Hat) - EP
   Lisa Smith (HP) - LMS
   Klaus Weidner (Atsec) - KW
   Chad Hanson (TCS) - CH
   Ted Toth - TT

          Agenda and Meeting Formats
          Bug Discussion
          Around the Room

RHEL 5+ Packages:


     LS: George is out on a family emergency, I don't know when he'll be back.
	I'll moderate the meeting today. Thanks Irena for providing me with an
	updated list of bugs for the agenda. George sent me an update on the
	list of packages to include vixie-cron and audit
     KW: cron from Dan, and audit from Steve is that it? What versions should we
     LS: He didn't have version numbers .. just the package name.
     SG: we are one day away from FC 7, so that took some time from me, I've been
	looking at bugs, to make a long story short, I have not built an audit
	lspp package yet, should get to it this week.
     KW: are there patches that we need to try separately, is this 1.3 or a
	version update?
     SG: I have 2 patches to back port and third item that gets rid of using id
	program from init script and uses shell script variable instead, useful
	if user is using a network device.
     KW: wanted to be clear if we are doing installation, what should we be
	using. should we keep the rhel5 rc version
     SG: yes, and the audit package I'll get out this week is one number higher,
	the version should be -2. there is no intention of moving to 1.4 or 1.5.
     KW: Are there any visible changes, any known failures we should be expecting
	with current versions. just so we know if things don't work, what the
	new version would do.
     SG: There are three patches ..
     KW: are these bugs in relation with list we'll go over, I can wait
     SG: well basically, ausearch -se didn't work at all, so I have a simple fix
	for that. The -se option should search on either object or subject
	context, it was doing "and" instead of "or" so it wasn't working. There
	is a bug fix I mentioned when replying to Stephen Smalley, it's the perm
	fix in libaudit, not being able to audit by context and certain
	permissions. then there is the euid update, to take the call to id
	program out of the init script for network devices. Apparently there is
	quite few people that use network devices.
     KW: I see the bug 226780. Are there any more for the issues you mentioned
     LS: let's go through the bugs then and see what those cover, then discuss
	what's left after that.
     SG: there are bugzillas that are associated with the others but not lspp
	related. do you want them
     KW: don't need them if they don't affect us.

Alias Sev Pri Plt Assignee Status Resolution Summary

218386  nor nor pow ASSI LSPP: labeled ipsec does not work over loopback
     JL: made some progress on that one, the errors I was seeing in log file are
	now fixed. This morning, I ran a stress test and didn't see errors in log
	file. Tonight before I leave, I'll start several stress tests (using .65
	kernel), one over loopback, eth0, and eth1. If all looks fine, I'll send
	the patch to ipsec-tools and leave it to them for review.
     LS: so is it fixed now?
     JL: I won't consider it fixed until I see what they say. My base is the
	patch that Paul sent out.

223532  nor nor All  ASSI [LSPP] crontab manpages reference older environment 
     KW: last comment in bug is from Irena saying it is in the modified state.
     SG: it turns out no one really applied the patch and built the package. I'll
	try to get that moving this week.
     LS: should we expect another cron package then Steve
     SG: yes, the bug should be fixed before we get it in modified state.

223840  hig nor All  NEW [LSPP] getfacl fails to correctly display all 
     SG: The maintainer created a patch over the weekend, klaus reviewed and it
	looks good. The next step is to build package. The "acl" package is
	going to need to be carried.
     KW: can we make the oldest bug about this issue public (bug # 128265)
     IB: I'll try to do that, but couldn't change it myself
     SG: that one was related to rhel4. it is in errata system, so we don't have
	control over it.
     KW: if it causes problems then ignore it
     SG: only thing we can do is clone it

223864  nor nor All  NEW LSPP: Exceptions to expected audit behavior should be 
     LS: What did we agree to do with this one?
     SG: we talked about putting proper documentation for it in user's guide.
     LS: who's taking action on that?
     KW: there are multiple guides, I'll take action on that for the guide I am
	maintaining. Others need to do the same.

223918  nor nor All  ASSI LSPP: audit logs bogus obj label in some PATH records
     EP: fix for that should be in lspp.65
     KW: I see comment on RH bug stating that.
     LS: great .. we'll test it.
     LMS: I had a related question, there were couple of bugs that Amy worked on,
	should we be posting bugzillas for those
     EP: at the moment I have all the bugzillas I want

223919  nor nor All  ASSI LSPP: audit does not log obj label when opening an 
     EP: all the audit bugs are related, Al is looking at the one about tracing
	signals. The other one # 228366, I have a patch for it and we need more
	review on the patch. For # 228384, there is no patch and not sure who's
	working on it
     IB: I thought we'll get Al to look at it
     SG: I didn't run across Al the last couple of days.
     KW: do we have plan B is case we don't reach Al
     SG: Amy will be back next week, and we can talk to her then. Either way, I
	think Al will get involved in writing it or help review it. I'll see if I
	can get hold of him.
     EP: everything else that says audit in subject, there is patch for and
	should be in .65 kernel.
     LS: Ok, Let me go through the list for those bugs and make sure I got them

224080  nor nor All  NEW LSPP: audit does not log obj label for 
     EP: closed as duplicate of 223919

225328  nor nor All  ASSI LSPP: ipsec drops first packet when using IKE daemon
     JL: I loaded the .65 kernel and it actually worked, I'm happy with it. I
	tried labeled ipsec, and looked like it was working fine. I am currently
	running sniff test and it seems to be going well. I'll run it over night
	and if it works fine, tomorrow I'll kick off a regular ipsec test to
	make sure it didn't regress. Only concern, it needs to work in lspp and
	upstream kernel, and when I patched upstream kernel (2.6.20) it
	panicked. I opened the bug about audit log task context problem. I could
	try the latest git kernel, but I'm thinking I need that audit patch
	before I make additional progress. On our lspp kernel I don't see that
	audit problem.
     LS: should we keep this bug open until you try both kernels then
     JL: yes, this bug still needs lots of testing.

226780  nor nor All  ASSI LSPP: audit of writes to files of bin_t produces no 
     KW: Steve talked about it earlier.

228107  nor nor All  NEW [LSPP] Labels for labeled printing don't linewrap
     LS: Matt was working on it, do we have an update?
     LMS: I believe he is still working on that, but I have no status.

228366  nor nor All  ASSI LSPP: audit does not log obj label for signal recipient
     LS: Already have patch for and in .65 kernel (per Eric's above comments)

228384  nor nor All  ASSI LSPP: audit does not log obj label for traced process
     LS: There is no patch for this one. Will get Al to take a look at it or
	follow up with Amy when she gets back. (per Eric's above comments)

228398  med nor s39  ASSI LSPP: Not able to ssh into the machine with multiple 
     KW: There were two issues, it didn't work on labeled translation which is
	fixed now. Second is if you have large list of categories it didn't
	work. That one is less critical since it failed securely and doesn't
	need to be fixed for certification.
     SG: I think we want to fix that one, it's an easy fix. It can check length
	.. there is a way of reading polyinstantiated directories with large
	number of categories. I'll put these comments in bugzilla, and I'll ask
	Tomas if he can look at it. he has been traveling, and doubt he did
	anything, unless he worked on it earlier today.
     KW: I think currently it's based on using translated context for file name,
	just wanted to make sure everyone knew that and everyone is Ok with it.
	This has side effects if mcstrans breaks or if you use mappings
     DW: It should be working on raw context, so if it's on translated, I think
	that's wrong.
     KW: are you saying it's intended to, or what you expect it to be using is
	raw one
     DW: I would expect it to work with raw context
     KW: so we still need an action to verify what it's actually doing
     LS: who owns this bug
     SG: Tomas Mraz

228422  med nor All  ASSI LSPP: cleanup xfrm_audit_log interface
     SG: last I saw is an exchange between Stephen and Al about kernel code.
	Smalley said we should use a different API. It did look like Al is
	working on it. need to follow up with him to see if he has a patch.
     JL: I think that's the one David Miller posted a patch for. I think I opened
	that one specifically because he didn't like the way I wrote it. so he
	wanted to clean it up. I think that one is in 65 kernel.
     SG: not sure which bug Al is chasing then
     JL: Al is working on the one where we transform audit log calls
	(audit_log_cntxt). that's what caused the kernel panic in the upstream
	kernel. One Al is working on is # 228409.

228557  med nor All  ASSI LSPP: In labeled ipsec, permissions are checked after 
     EP: I got patch finished today, so you'll see something in the morning for
     JL: Venkat also volunteered to look at it which was great
     EP: I'll be taking care of that one, but I have nothing to report yet.

228927  med nor s39  NEW LSPP: odd audit argument on some 32 bit syscalls
     KW: we discussed this as well, it is a documentation update
     KH: most of the information is in issue tracker, so it's been explained. It
	needs to be documented
     LS: Ok, so this needs to be in the guide as well

     LS: We are done with our bug list, are there any more issues?
     IB: bug # 229094, last comment says the fix in in .65
     KW: I think the patch is meant for .65 but not in it yet.
     IB: Eric, is it in the .65 kernel?
     EP: yes it is in .65 kernel
     KW: there are 2 issue. One that polyinstantiation should use raw category
	and labels instead of translated, if we want to change it, we need a
	bug. Related to this, with the latest mcstransd I don't get any labels
	translated. I heard unofficially others are seeing this. I don't think
	there is a bug report for this.
     DW: there is bug, but you need to grab the latest package from my people
     SG: maybe need a bug to track it.
     DW: what version of mctrans are you running
     KW: 0.22.1.el5, which I think is the latest
     DW: I believe the fixed one is 0.2.3-1
     KW: I see it now, Ok, so I forgot to pick up the latest one. Do we need a
	bug to make sure it ends up in rhel 5, or are you tracking this
     DW: I'm tracking it internally.
     JL: I just opened a bug # 229278, I was running labeled ipsec ssh-mls, if I
	am a regular user with s2-s5, when I issue ssh -p 222 to user (s3-s9),
	my incoming connection is s2-s5, I am able to log in to that user and I
	get to be s3-s5. I showed it to klaus and since my incoming level was
	s2, I shouldn't have be able to log in.
     KW: it seems to be silently upgrading the level. With labeled networking,
	your session is always at effective level and not at the higher level
     DW: so you think user should be denied.
     KW: yes, we can try with cipso as well.
     LS: I'll try with cipso
     KW: I think it'll work with cipso, ipsec is trying to be helpful and trying
	to upgrade
     DW: could be that either libselinux or ssh doing something wrong.
     LS: any other issues any one would like to bring up?
     SG: one thing to point out, over the next 2 days, I'll be a bit distracted
	getting changes done for fC7, Wednesday will probably be back working on
	lspp items. I am not sure if Tomas can jump on the ssh issue, it depends
	on what he has to do for fC7 as well. other than that we should be back
	on lspp on Wed.
     LS: ok, Anything else? .. alright thanks everyone, We'll adjourn.

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