[redhat-lspp] Re: different cipso mapping behavior

Paul Moore paul.moore at hp.com
Tue Feb 27 16:20:17 UTC 2007

On Tuesday, February 27 2007 11:11:54 am Loulwa Salem wrote:
> Paul Moore wrote:
>  > On Monday, February 26 2007 7:17:19 pm Loulwa Salem wrote:
> ...
>  > Something odd is happening as based on the packet dump the CIPSO option
>  > is 10
> bytes long, which for tag type 1 would indicate a lack of categories yet
> you are using "c2" which should map to CIPSO category "1" based on your DOI
> settings. To further complicate things, assuming I've done my quick math
> correctly the ICMP parameter error is pointing at the CIPSO length field in
> the tag.  It's hard to say for certain at this point, but it kinda looks
> like the packet is not being created correctly.
>  > Please retry with the following CIPSO DOI configuration:
>  >
>  >  # netlabelctl cipsov4 add pass doi:1 tags:1
> The setting above works fine .. that's what I've been using for most of my
> test cases. I am able to log in to the system with above setting enabled.

Interesting, that would indicate there is a problem somewhere with the "std" 
mapping.  It will be good to know when this broke, i.e. please report back 
when you find the kernel rev that worked for you.

paul moore
linux security @ hp

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