[redhat-lspp] LSPP Development Telecon 01/08/2007 Minutes

Loulwa Salem loulwas at us.ibm.com
Tue Jan 9 00:06:09 UTC 2007

01/08/2007 lspp Meeting Minutes:

   George Wilson (IBM) - GW
   Kris Wilson (IBM) - KEW
   Loulwa Salem (IBM) - LS
   Debora Velarde (IBM) - DV
   Michael Thompson (IBM) - MT
   Joy Latten (IBM) - JL
   Kylene J Hall (IBM) - KH
   Irina Boverman (Red Hat) - IB
   Steve Grubb (Red Hat) - SG
   Dan Walsh (Red Hat) - DW
   Eric Paris (Red Hat) - EP
   Lisa Smith (HP) - LMS
   Linda Knippers (HP) - LK
   Amy Griffis (HP) - AG
   Matt Anderson (HP) - MA
   Paul Moore (HP) - PM
   Klaus Weidner (Atsec) - KW
   Chad Hanson (TCS) - CH
   Joe Nall - JN
   Ted Toth - TT

Tentative Agenda:

Kernel / Beta / rawhide update
     GW: let's start with the 1218 beta. can we talk about that?
     SG: I suppose.
     GW: Ok, it's been a pretty good build so far. The bad news is that not all
	our features will make final build release candidate and GA. Steve can
	you give us a run down of what did not make it?
     SG: sure, 2 patches from paul about netlabel. Also a bug open for ppc and
	syscalls and one more bug that I cant remember now. Well we knew all
	along that we might have to carry kernel and selinux policy packages but
	wanted to minimize the packages we had to do that with. We are still
	fixing thing and will end up carying a few ones around
     AG: what is the state of user space stuff? is that in?
     DW: yes
     SG: we might be able to squeaze few user space things in today and tomorrow.
	but by friday it better be critical. we will carry any packages we need
	in a separate repo if we have to
     GW: as you said we knew that all along, and we wanted to carry as less as
	possible. Is the newrole patch the tty labeling patch?
     DW: yes that's it
     GW: great, that will make they system more usable. We didn't get much run
	time, but the 18 build with .60 kernel is pretty good
     SG: Eric gave me the .61 kernel.
     GW: ok, we still need to continue testing and continue writing bug reports
     IB: continue following bugzillas also
     GW: so no change in process, except changes won't make it into GA
     SG: I will restructure lspp repo so that I have room for other packages.
	Right now, I carry ppc64 and ppc64-iseries, are both of those used?
     GW: we don't need the iseries one.
     SG: ok, I'll clean those up. Is there anything else there I can delete, is
	the x390 still tested?
     KH: yes, we are using it
     SG: ok then, so I'll drop to carying 2 versions instead of 3 to make room
     GW: that sounds fine
     LK: we can all keep our own local copies if we needed to.
     SG: I was trying to keep few around for regression if we needed to
     GW: So what I am gathering is that we need to get any userspace fixes in

SELinux base and MLS policy update
     GW: Dan, any selinux and policy issues?
     DW: mainly good news. I am building packages as we speak. I got all the
	stopper bugs fixed in there. main changes are .. Paul Moore and I came
	to a conclusion about netlabel. basically deciding on which domains can
	or can't use netlabel. all the other bugzillas are fixed. Klaus there is
	a bug on ybin not working, is that still true.
     KW: I am not aware of that.
     GW: there is another klaus .. This was opened by klaus kiwi.
     DW: I wanted to know if it is fixed or not
     GW: you are talking about RH issue tracker 109965.
     DW: other than that, there is a discussion about cron .. I beleive we have a
	misunderstanding on how polyinstantiation works. The IBM tester is
	trying to run cronjob on systemhigh and put "id -Z" output in file to
	check they have right context. When using polyinstantiation, to check
	the file, they su, so you get a different namespace, and the cron job
	runs in another namespace so you get a file in a different test output
	directory, which is really how polyinstantiation is supposed to work. To
	get it to work, maybe you make the test write to a non polyinstantiated
	directory. Also newrole works fine. ssh selection of roles works, Thomas
	put a fix to let ssh do that. to me those were the big issues that were
     KW: active level selection does not work. but works with label network on.
     DW: you cannot select role if not using labeled networking
     KW: yes .. then you will not be able to ssh to whatever level you need
     DW: and then newrole won't work
     KW: there is a feature that says to ssh to a user @host
     DW: that was put in many years ago and not sure if it is being maintained
     KW: good idea if labeled netowrking is not working, but code seems to not be
	working at the moment.
     DW: I don't know if that patch still exists
     KW: it is there, but it seems to get a null context from selinux
     DW: so if patch is there, I can go debug it
     KW: yeah .. it is there but it gets a null context. I think it needs an
	extension to accept level as well
     DW: btw, bugzilla on ybin is 220598
     GW: anything else with respect to policy?
     DW: only thing is I got strict policy working again over the holiday. I've
	been running it, and I fixed many problems .. hopefully we had more
	runtime. at least TE problems will be fixed
     LK: is that in RHEL5
     DW: yes that works. for strict policy, you really need to know what you are
	doing to get it working. for example it will lock your mail client
	..locking down userspace is not easy
     GW: is policy going to freeze when code freezes
     DW: no, policy will still be fixed. usually we are adding permissiveness
	than taking away functionality, so that should be ok.
     GW: great because I imagine we will find more policy bugs

TTYs and newrole
     GW: newrole patches are in and hopefully make the system more usable, not
	sure if anyone tested them
     LK: I am running it and seems to be working fine
     GW: great, thank you.

PAM and VFS polyinstantiation
     GW: any pam and level selection issues. when Dan looks at the level
	extension patch with ssh that would be good
     DW: conculsion is that ssh doesn't know about it
     KW: when you run pam session code, you don't have pty, so sshd needs to know
	in order to label the pty it creates. I think it would be nice to revist
	this code so they agree on who does what in this process.
     DW: the patch you talked about is also good for scp-ing as well.
     KW: things get even more fun if you have polyinstantiation turned on

     GW: Any cipso issues Paul?
     PM: other than the fact that we decided to take cipso off agenda, before
	things blew up. everything is under control. I think all patches I
	pushed out last week are good. some of the patches are not gonna make GA
	as Steve said. Other than that we have policy changes in there, so we
	are in good shape

     GW: how's ipsec Joy?
     JL: I posted an email about loop back to start a discussion, the other
	biggest thing, if you enter a single ipsec policy, you can no longer
	send or receive packets. I was wondering if there is a bug there. Also,
	I tried Dan's toggle in upstream kernel and that worked fine. I am about
	to send latest policy out. I think that's it. I'll alert chris when I \		
	send it so he can review it.
     SG: what was the outcome of testing with local host. did we get labeled
	networking working?
     JL: that's not working. The whole issue is that racoon can't negotiate with
	itself. you can set manual SA but racoon can't do that on loopback. I
	queried ipsec tools mailing list and the answer I got is that "we were
	never able to do this"
     SG: does it need to. maybe because of localhost there was no need to
	negotiate a key. it may have not been designed to do this, now that we
	use it for different purpose, might be someting it needs to do
     GW: I guess you can't hard wire it.
     JN: your local ip address gets handled different than remote machines
     KW: applications are going to break anyway if first packet gets dropped
     JN: first packet gets dropped since it is negotiating the SA
     KW: it returns an error so the connection doesn't try again
     EP: if you do or local host you get the same thing?
     JN: localhost, and whatever your ip address is, it won't
	negotiate. As long as there are two racoons it works
     EP: so it is not the ip address, it is that racoon can't talk to itself.
     SG: we might need a mode to do this
     JL: has something to do with keying material. somehow it creates same keying
	material when negotiating with itself
     SG: I think we need this to work though
     GW: I think we all agree with that, but will need work on racoon
     KW: it is acceptable if we had restriction on localhost, but it is not
	practical. you can use cipso on localhost and ipsec on outside
     GW: we said we were not going to mix them a while back
     KW: and I am not sure if it is easy to separate them clearly
     JN: need a consistant socket semantics. if there is a way to bypass racoon,
	that is fine. the applications don't care how it works as long as it is
     SG: maybe something we can patch the kernel to do
     PM: the kernel pathes, don't you want them to be upstreamable Steve?
     SG: yes
     PM: well, I think the stuff they are talking about were not accepted before
     SG: I think we can explain to them what it is needed,a nd maybe they'll
	accept it
     JN: Paul, had a question for you. In netlabel, I think there is short
	circuit code that says you are on local host, can you beef that up to
	fix this problem?
     PM: there is really no short circuit code, it just works on local host. this
	is something on my agenda, but whenever I mention that I get push back
	from James Morris. David miller has gotten more receptive to netowrking
	patches, but I doubt he will accept additions to skbuff. adding fields
	is not going to happen, they already let one in for secmark and doubt it
	will happen again.
     CH: they did that cause they agreed ..
     SG: we need to have discussion to see how we can fix this problem.
     JL: did you say it was ok for loopback to bypass racoon?
     GW: we are thinking of ways to do this. maybe easeier to just patch racoon
     JL: maybe we can add policy to raccon to bypass ipsec
     GW: we need it to do the labeling though
     JN: well, I think you are on a good path. can you go into a mode where there
	is no keying at all
     GW: that's what you use to look up the label, you will have to do that
	negotiation and pass it to kernel.
     JL: if we wanted to do ipsec and don't need to have a label ..
     GW: but we care for label, just don't care if it is encrypted
     PM: you need an SA negotiation ..
     GW: so either hack in kernel or racoon. Chad, not sure if venkat has any
	thoughts on that
     CH: he hasn't really talked about this, we've been working on other stuff
	with ipsec.
     GW: can you share
     CH: we shifted temporarily to open swan . it has better key support since
	ipkey tools were denying ...
     MA: are you still using secid passes in kernel ..
     CH: we will have a small patch to do that, not sure we figured out what it
	is... to address the issue with not being able to add to skbuff ..
     GW: sounds like you guys are throwing up your hands
     CH: we decided to drop it since we were not getting any agreement. so yeah
	we sort of did .. we hope for everything to get in there, and we got
	alot in there but not quite the finish line.
     GW: some people liked the secid reconcilliation patches ..
     JN: we are still stuck on .51 since it worked.
     CH: we can try to use something small, but it is not upstreamable
     SG: Fed core 7 is open for business. for evaluation we agreed some stuff
	can't be done, but we said some work can go into future versions
     PM: I think everyone is busy on evaluation, and work will pick up once it
	wraps up
     GW: I agree, getting through certification will absorb us. but I also agree
	with Steve, to see a whole solution go upstream
     SG: for FC7, we can get secmark and ipsec stuff. some of our people are
	getting freed up that are ready to get working at these things even
	though we are busy with lspp
     GW: if you have resources, it would be good to have our networking solution
	pushed in.
     CH: we will be adressing some of these issues as well once some product
	cycles are through
     SG: I guess some other time we will have conversation on what to do about
	this in long term. just keep an eye up for secmark stuff in case it
	turns it will make problems
     GW: we might want to carry a list of future items so we don't loose them.
	just like Paul said, we will be absorbed with lspp
     SG: how long will you be tied up, when would be a good time to talk about
	future work?
     GW: our time line is on the Niap site and I think we won't have resources
	free before evaluation
     SG: so that will be FC8 development cycle
     CH: we might talk about it again in march
     GW: that would be a good venue chad
     JN: I got a bit confused maybe, does that mean no one is intended to work
	out issues for localhost for rhel?
     SG: oh no, those are 2 different issues
     GW: we will have patches to fix these, but there is a list of future items
	to make sure we have complete upstream solution. That was our goal and
	still is, mainly for maintenance reasons. Anything else?

     SG: Paul was mentioning having cipso pulled off the agenda. xinetd can be
	pulled off as well, but if you can add the localhost issue so we don't
	forget about it.
     GW: sure, adding it now

Self tests / aide
     GW: I didn't do any work on it over the holiday. I'll try my best to work on
	it this week. I am trying to work on some policy for that. I might need
	some policy to get runcon working to be able to do the BLP test. aide is
	working fine though
     DW: what are you trying to do?
     GW: I am trying to change to lower context so that I can try to read up. I
	can write and give them their own policy. I created a policy for self
	test based on aide's policy and I need to get that domain access to
     DW: instead of using runcon, I try to use a shell and label it, not sure if
	that helps you or not. which domain are you trying to get into .. or are
	you just going from Systemhigh to low?
     GW: yes, systemhigh to low, but I ran into TE rules issues
     DW: you can do something with newrole.
     GW: I am trying to do something that shouldn't be easy to do but an admin
	should be able to. when I get stuck I'll catch you on irc Dan
     DW: sure

Cron, tmpwatch, mail, etc.
     GW: For cron, I think our tester was mis-configuring things slightly, so
	things should be working better now after clarification
     DW: Don't try to write to the test directory, maybe write to a new directory
	that is not polyinstantiated.
     KW: or be the same user as the test when you check the file. We can take
	that off line

Bugs / remaining tasks
     GW: kernel is locked down and user space will be locked down soon.
     SG: If there are major bugs we will incorporate fixes; privileged
	escalation, and data corruption qualify. should cron be taken off
     GW: sure if it is working now
     SG: what about the mail with cron, any one tried that?
     GW: someone added -m flag, but not sure if anyone tested it
     KEW: camillo is trying to figure out how to test it. is it still in then?
     GW: yeah, we are trying to use it
     KEW: I think he is trying to see an example on how to use it ..
     GW: ok, I'll talk to him. Anything else
     DW: selinux-policy.24 is out on people.
     GW: ok, we'll adjourn. let's keep testing and writing bugs. thanks everyone

Final cutoff date

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