[redhat-lspp] LSPP kickstart config v0.57 released

Klaus Weidner klaus at atsec.com
Tue May 1 21:11:29 UTC 2007

Hello all,

some fixes to the RPM generation, and a fix to import the correct RPM
release signing key (thanks Chad!).

I'm not currently building RPMs, if you are unable to use the "make-rpm"
script to build your own from the git repository and really need them
please let me know. I've deleted the old RPMs to avoid confusion.

Changes in 0.57, and 0.56 which was an unreleased internal build:

    meta: remove obsolete README

    meta: spec file cleanups as suggested by Steve Grubb

    meta: evaluated config guide wasn't being stored as man page, fixed

    postinst: fix RH release GPG key location

Please get the packages the script requests in the postinstall phase from
the http://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/files/lspp/ repository.

Git repository:



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