dhclient and dnsdomainname (hostname -d)

Saurabh Bathe sbathe at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 05:10:21 UTC 2005

David Wilk wrote:
> there is much confusion on this.  First of all, domainname refers only 
> to the NIS domainname not the DNS domainname.  the domainname I'm trying 
> to affect here is for DNS and it's referred to by RH as dnsdomainname.  
> I've tried altering the DOMAINNAME var in /etc/sysconfig/network and 
> verious permutations and have yet to make any change to dnsdomainname.  
> the docs suggest that the dnsdomainname is obtained from /etc/hosts, and 
> failing that, from /etc/resolv.conf.
> However, I cannot seem to affect any change despite what I put in 
> /etc/resolv.conf.  Usually, a RH server is able to determine this itself 
> 'automagically', probably from a reverse lookup of the IP address.  
> However, when the 'magic' fails, there doesn't appear to be any way to 
> manually tweak this dial.


How is the interface and the DHCP server configured?
The simplest way is to tell the client to use DNS settings provided by 
DHCP server (PEERDNS=yes) and let the DHCP server provide all the 
required settings.


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