Simpel perl code makes kernel panic

Matthew Galgoci mgalgoci at
Mon Jan 31 16:12:52 UTC 2005

> Hi,
> This is a confusing/weird problem.
> Following is a simple piece of perl code that causes my system (RHAS 3.0) kernel panic everytime it is run with cron!
> When I run it manually as root everything runs as it should and no panic....
> The system is running MailScanner and acts as a mail gateway and this code is part of a stats program called Vispan.
> Ive told this to the guy developing it but he seems to hav no idea why this happens and may others run it whitout this problem.
> The system is U4 and has only rpms installed except for these two programs and ClamAV.
> Just wonderng if anyone on this list is a perlguru and have intimate knowledge of RH systems and might have a look:-)
> Here is the code which only task is to print the footer of the html pages for the Vispan stats:
> #sub PrintEnd {
> #   local($handle) = @_;
> #   my $line;
> #   my $Footer = Config::Value(Footer);
> #
> #   if(open(FOOTER,$Footer)) {
> #      @footer=<FOOTER>;
> #      close(FOOTER);
> #      foreach $line (@footer) {
> #         print $handle $line;
> #         }
> #      }
> #
> #   print $handle "<hr/><p>";
> #
> #   if( $Footer eq "" ) {
> #      print $handle <<"(END VAL)";
> #         <a href=""><img
> #          src=""
> #          alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" /></a>
> #(END VAL)
> #      }
> #
> #   print $handle <<"(END HTML)";
> #Produced by <a class="footer" href="">
> #Vispan V$main::VERSION</a> \© 2002-2004</p>
> #</body>
> #</html>
> #}

Yikes! I'm gonna try and reproduce this on one of my test rhel3U4 boxen. Also, have you filed
a bugzilla for this panic?

Matthew Galgoci
System Administrator
Red Hat, Inc
919.754.3700 x44155

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