NFS change ownership issue . Always nobody on client

Zama Ques queszama at
Sun Aug 23 05:45:16 UTC 2015

  We are accessing NFS mounts across three hosts. The issue for us is that when we change the ownership of a directory on NFS mount on the server, the ownership changes are not taking place on the client. It is getting changed to nobody on the client. The issue can be seen for a particular user , for other users it is working fine. The user in question is the following user. $ id contentmanager
uid=506(contentmanager) gid=500(admin) groups=500(admin)
UID is same on both client and server machines. Also, if we change the ownership to contentmanager manually on the client, it is getting changed to nobody user. But if changed to some other user, it works fine. Please find /etc/exports for the particular directory on the server. /shareddata/share       *(rw,no_root_squash,sync)
On the client machine, it is mounted as followslnxq-004:/shareddata/share  /data/share  nfs   vers=3,rw   0  0    
Example on the Server:$ sudo chown contentmanager test
$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r--  1 contentmanager admin    0 Aug 20 23:08 test

$ ls -ln test
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 506 500 0 Aug 20 23:08 test
 Example on the Client:$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r--  1 nobody admin    0 Aug 20 23:08 test

$ ls -ln test
-rw-rw-r-- 1 99 500 0 Aug 20 23:08 test
This is the issue where the ownership is not getting changed to contentmanager
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