[rhelv6-beta-list] Missing or removed package - Exim

Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at ieee.org
Thu Jul 1 00:54:49 UTC 2010

From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel at gmail.com>
> EPEL is 
problematic to rely on for core services. While it's possible
> to call people like me for support of non-RedHat supported packages,
> I've 
been finding Exim to be an excellent and managable solution for
> some 
awkward requirements that I've run into before.

Red Hat products are customer driven.  There are many reasons package
can and are deprecated for the next release.  Customer demand can and
does quickly and easily change that, so make your voice heard most effectively,
directly to Red Hat product management.  The earlier in a Beta, the better.

Please file Premium Support (CRM), TAM (IT) and other tickets, and
have them add Eugene Tay's new BZ#609653 to the ticket:  

Also make your Red Hat sales, solution architect and other representatives
aware of your needs.  Use that 1-2 combo.  Only customer requests can
help Red Hat gage actual customer numbers on this.  Decisions have to
be made on what comes in from Fedora and what is not commonly deployed.
There are always considerations beyond what statistics Fedora Smolt and
RHN can report, especially when something like a MTA option is not a default,
and those considerations need to be heard for adequate evaluation.

-- Bryan

P.S.  I'm a huge Exim fanboy myself.  But a list high-five does nothing.  ;)

Bryan J  Smith             Professional, Technical Annoyance 
Linked Profile:           http://www.linkedin.com/in/bjsmith 
"Now if you own an automatic ... sell it!
You are totally missing out on the coolest part of driving"
-- Johnny O'Connell

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