[rhelv6-beta-list] koji-hub requires mod_python

Florian La Roche Florian.LaRoche at gmx.net
Tue Jul 13 22:08:25 UTC 2010

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 04:00:12PM -0500, Connie Sieh wrote:
> I am trying to install koji-hub 1.4 on RHEL6 Beta 2.  I obtained the rpm 
> from EPEL.  koji-hub requires mod_python but mod_python was removed from 
> the RHEL6 Beta even though it is still in Fedora 13.  I am assuming that 
> mod_python was removed from RHEL6 Beta because mod_wsgi is to replace it. 
> For my immediate testing needs I can find mod_python on the web.
> So the question is will koji be moving over to mod_wsgi or will RHEL 6 
> include mod_python in the future.

Hello Connie Sieh,

koji-1.4  as released last weekend works pretty fine with the current
RHEL6-beta2. You can recompile mod_python from Fedora-rawhide to have it
up and running.

I've started a small collection of rpms for RHEL6 that I want to keep
more lined up to Fedora-devel here:


Some of the other updated or newly compiled rpms include:
- mailman-2.1.13
- newest dovecot-2.0
- rsync-3.0.7
- squid 3.1.4
- fail2ban
- bugzilla-3.6.1
- collectd-4.10.1
- git-
- mercurial 1.5.4 and 1.6
- cfengine
- dnsmasq 2.52
- moin 1.88
- msmtp

Back to koji, the config is pretty much straight forward from the wiki pages:
    koji add-tag dist-$name
    koji add-tag --parent dist-$name --arches "i686 x86_64" dist-$name-build
    koji add-external-repo -p 50 -t dist-$name-build dist-$name-external \\$arch/os
    koji add-external-repo -p 51 -t dist-$name-build dist-$name-cs-external \\$arch/os/ClusteredStorage
    koji add-external-repo -p 52 -t dist-$name-build dist-$name-ha-external \\$arch/os/HighAvailability
    koji add-external-repo -p 53 -t dist-$name-build dist-$name-lb-external \\$arch/os/LoadBalance
    koji add-external-repo -p 55 -t dist-$name-build dist-$name-optional \\$arch/os
    koji add-external-repo -p 60 -t dist-$name-build dist-$name-epel-external \\$arch/
    koji add-target dist-$name dist-$name-build
    koji add-group dist-$name-build build
    koji add-group-pkg dist-$name-build build \
        bash bzip2 coreutils cpio diffutils findutils gawk gcc gcc-c++ grep gzip \
        info make patch redhat-release-server redhat-rpm-config rpm-build sed \
        shadow-utils tar unzip util-linux-ng which
    koji add-group dist-$name-build srpm-build
    koji add-group-pkg dist-$name-build srpm-build \
        bash curl cvs gnupg make redhat-release-server redhat-rpm-config \
        rpm-build shadow-utils
    koji add-group dist-$name livecd-build
    koji add-group-pkg dist-$name livecd-build \
        bash bzip2 coreutils cpio diffutils findutils gawk gcc gcc-c++ grep gzip \
        info make patch redhat-release-server redhat-rpm-config rpm-build sed \
        shadow-utils tar unzip util-linux-ng which \
        python-dbus yum squashfs-tools livecd-tools selinux-targeted-policy


Florian La Roche

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