[rhelv6-beta-list] My first experiences with RHEL6 beta

Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at ieee.org
Thu Jun 10 17:13:36 UTC 2010

On Thu, 6/10/10, Simon Matter <simon.matter at invoca.ch> wrote:
> Just wanted to mention that remote X11 display is also
> available for making GUI installs, no need to install VNC client.

Of course, especially using existing UNIX/Linux desktops, or if one
has a Windows X-Server.  I just mentioned VNC because the user was
coming from Windows, and the VNC client can be a self-contained
binary (no installation required).  But you are indeed correct.

On Thu, 6/10/10, Marco Shaw <marco.shaw at gmail.com> wrote:
> Works great (from what I can tell) within Microsoft Hyper-V R2.

Indeed.  Most of the Red Hat partnership with Microsoft surrounds
newer KVM (Linux hosted Hypervisor) and Hyper-V (NT 6.x hosted
Hypervisor), and not so much on previous technologies.  Does not
mean it won't work.

But it does mean you don't get this types of official support and
product certification:  


Although more independently:  


I really was trying to convey that all-bets-are-off when it comes
to Hypervisor support/integration unless there are partner agreements
in place, and actual movement.  But regardless, Betas are definitely
the time to open tickets via your Premium Support or TAM channels,
or at least a BZ if you do not have a CRM or IT account, and get
these issues logged.  One will always get some movement or an answer
why they won't be addressed.

In many cases, and from personal exposure, closed source hypervisors
can present a real challenge, without the involvement of the closed
source vendor.  People are free to point fingers where they may, but
when the issue isn't reproducible on bare metal or in an open source
Hypervisor as under a specific, closed source (and aged) hypervisor,
there's little the open source vendor can do.

Just saying.

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