[rhelv6-list] getent behavior

Prentice Bisbal prentice at ias.edu
Mon Dec 6 21:47:23 UTC 2010

I use LDAP for account information. On previous versions of RHEL, 
'getent passwd' would dump a list of all accounts, both local and in 
LDAP. If addtional sources were listed in /etc/nsswitch.conf, it would 
show them, too, presumably.

In RHEL6 (Beta 2), it only shows what's stored in /etc/passwd. If I want 
to see an account that's in LDAP, I can query a specific account like this:

$ getent passwd prentice

I know LDAP is configured correctly based on the above output, and that 
I can login to an account that stored in LDAP. Everything else seems to 
work fine.

Has anyone else noticed behavior like this? I'm using RHEL6 beta 2 still.


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