[rhelv6-list] Ruby on Rails in RHEL 6?

Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov
Wed Nov 17 21:09:33 UTC 2010

rhelv6-list-bounces at redhat.com wrote on 11/17/2010 02:28:09 PM:

> Greetings,
>         I see that RHEL 6 included ruby 1.8.7 and rubygems 1.3.7,
> which are the pre-reqs for rails 3.0. The Register is claiming rails
> 3.0 is included, however, I'm not seeing rails actually packaged
> anywhere (rubygem-rails-3.0.3.el6.noarch.rpm or what have you).  Is
> that intentional?  Is EPEL planning on including this?

No one has build the rubygem-rails package for .el6 in fedora's koji (some
others have been), however it was on for .el5.


>         I'm fine with it whichever way, I'm just trying to get a
> clarification.  :)  It sure would be nice if it (and passenger) were
> included to get rails into the enterprise...

I haven't seen any rails rpms in bugzilla, and unfortunately it doesn't
seem that the passenger developers are very interested in making their
software compatible with the packaging guidelines of the Fedora/EPEL/RHEL
software distributions:


(The conversation probably could have been handled better by both sides,
but Phusion walked away when asked for clarifications).


ps.  and if anyone has gotten the packages from puppetlabs to work properly
I would be interested in hearing how you got it going cause it was an utter
fail for me.

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