[rhelv6-list] custom kickstart boot cd

Jason Keltz jas at cse.yorku.ca
Thu May 19 16:34:04 UTC 2011

I'm trying to build a custom kickstart boot cd.

If I take the standard redhat 6.0 net boot cd, and modify isolinux.cfg 
to contain this entry:

label kickstart
   menu label ^Custom kickstart
   kernel vmlinuz
   append initrd=initrd.img ks=nfs:

(where is my server IP) ... it works.

If I recompile the kernel (to enable a different feature that isn't 
already enabled), then I take the vmlinuz from my kernel build, install 
dracut-network, rebuild initrd, and take that initrd and place it along 
with vmlinuz on the net boot disk, then when I boot the CD, I get:

dracut: FATAL: No or empty root= argument
dracut: refusing to continue

Now, I can see that the standard redhat net boot cd initramfs doesn't 
look 100% like the standard one, but I'm not 100% sure how its built.  I 
was under the impression that what I did should work though.  Am I 


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