[rhelv6-list] New Tutorial - RHCS + DRBD + KVM; 2-Node HA on EL6

Digimer linux at alteeve.com
Wed Jan 4 14:44:41 UTC 2012

On 01/04/2012 09:15 AM, Musayev, Ilya wrote:
> One other question?,
> Can I try this out in already virtual infrastructure? I'm a bit shorthanded on spare physical hardware at the moment, but have plenty of resources in VMWare VSphere clusters.
> Im not expecting superb performance, only proof of concept. Any thoughts?

No, I don't believe you can. Rather, not the KVM portion. You can
certainly do the rest of the clustering part, but running KVM in VMWare
(or any other VM) doesn't work, from my limited testing. Though to be
fair, my vm-in-vm test was kvm -> vmware, so I don't want to sound the

If it helps at all; I included the hardware I used to write the tutorial
specifically to provide a fairly inexpensive test bed for people who
don't have servers laying around. The parts should be less than $1k
(canadian) per node. You don't need a layer 2 switch for
learning/testing, so two dumb 8-port switches will suffice. If you use
the mainboards I mention, then you will have IPMI for fencing so, again
for testing, you can forgo the PDU.

hth :)

E-Mail:              digimer at alteeve.com
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