[rhelv6-list] Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 & Red Hat Developer Toolset 4.1 - Now Available

Engineering Partner Management eng-partner-management at redhat.com
Wed Jun 1 16:34:28 UTC 2016

Red Hat is pleased to announce the general availability of Red Hat
Software Collections 2.2. Delivered on a separate lifecycle from Red
Hat Enterprise Linux with a more frequent release cadence, Red Hat
Software Collections expedites the delivery of essential web
development tools, dynamic languages, and open source databases. As
these updated components can be installed alongside versions included
in base Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Software Collections is
designed to bridge developer agility and production stability by
accelerating the creation of modern applications that can be
confidently deployed into production.

New additions include:
* MariaDB 10.1, MongoDB 3.2 and PostgreSQL 9.5
* Node.js v4.4, Python 3.5, Ruby 2.3 and Rails 4.2
* Maven 3.3

Updated collections include:
* MongoDB 2.6, Python 2.7, Apache 2.4 and Thermostat 1.4.

Red Hat is also pleased to announce the general availability of Red
Hat Developer Toolset 4.1. Available through the Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Developer Program and related subscriptions, Red Hat Developer
Toolset continues to streamline application development on the world’s
leading enterprise Linux platform, enabling developers to compile
applications once and deploy across multiple versions of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux.

Updates include GCC 5.3, GDB 7.11,  Eclipse 4.5.2, and a number of
updates to toolchain components and performance tools, like elfutils
(0.165), and SystemTap (2.9), Dynist (9.1), and Valgrind (3.11).

In addition to the provision of Dockerfiles[1], many of the most
popular Red Hat Software Collections are now available as
docker-formatted container images via the Red Hat Customer Portal[2].

Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 and Red Hat Developer Toolset 4.1 are
now available to customers and partners with select active Red Hat
Enterprise Linux subscriptions. For more information on installation
or to view the complete release notes, please visit the Red Hat
Customer Portal[3].

To access documentation for Red Hat Software Collections and/or Red
Hat Developer Toolset:
* Latest Red Hat Software Collections release notes:
* Latest Red Hat Developer Toolset release notes:
* Additional Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation:

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Team

[1] https://github.com/sclorg/rhscl-dockerfiles
[2] https://access.redhat.com/search/#/container-images
[3] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/

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