[RHN Outage Announcement] RHN Scheduled Maintenance rescheduled for 13-MAR-2010 [REF:42475018752]

Announcements Related to RHN Service Interruptions rhn-outage-list at redhat.com
Fri Feb 12 13:45:29 UTC 2010

Date of Outage:
Saturday, 13-MAR-2010
(Outage scheduled for 27-FEB-2010 has been canceled)

Outage Start:
8am - 2pm EDT (UTC -0500)


Duration of the Outage:
Approximately 6 hours

People/Groups Impacted:
Customers using *.rhn.redhat.com sites

Sites Affected:
*.rhn.redhat.com (satellite, xmlrpc, etc.) rhn.redhat.com

Description: An outage will occur on 13-MAR-2010 during our scheduled outage window, 8am-2pm EDT. Standard database maintenance and RHN updates will be performed during this outage.

If you have questions about this outage, please contact a regional Customer Service representative: http://www.redhat.com/about/contact/dir/#custservice. For more information about our Outage Policy: https://rhn.redhat.com/rhn/help/outage-policy.jsp

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