[rhn-users] Need Help

Mohammad Rizan M.Ghazali Rizan at my.ibm.com
Tue Mar 2 02:12:05 UTC 2004

Dear Redhat techies,

 I have a problem with my Linux Redhat 9.0 setup on NFS.

 Currently i have install 2 nic cards into IBM Machine x255. Both card are
 running smoothtly but unfortunately one of the card fail to initialize the
 Dell NAS storage for NFS purposes.

 eth0 (built-in nic) is using and eth1 using
 via cross cable to Dell NAS storage.

 Problem description is per below.

 1. IBM 225 not able to mount above NAS NFS drive at boot,
 fstab: powervault:/dataroot /dataroot  nfs soft 0 0
 but able to mount after system ready by command line. (# mount -t nfs
 powervault:/dataroot /dataroot)

 2. IBM 225 NIC eth0 able to mount NFS drive,
 but NIC eth1 fail to mount  NFS drive.
 (direct connection from IBM225 to NAS by cross cable with private LAN.) connect

 Current setup:
 1. IBM 225 eth0 connected to Cisco switch(local LAN)
 2. NAS connected to Cisco switch(local LAN)

 I would like both nic eth0 and eth1 to be primary connection for different
 IBM 225 mount NFS drive at boot.
 IBM 225 eth1 can mount NFS drive from NAS.

 NFS mount failed at system boot up. Below are the details of NFS mount

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